Chapter 13

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Amelia sat alone on a chair in her Seattle residence, her two-week-old newborn baby, Rosie, asleep in her arms. She couldn't believe how much her life had changed in the past two weeks. She was now a mother of two, responsible for another tiny human being. But despite the overwhelming joy she felt every time she looked at her baby, there was a lingering feeling of unease in her heart.

She glanced over at the nursery where Owen had been spending most of his time since Rosie's arrival. It seemed like he couldn't get enough of their daughter, and Amelia couldn't blame him. After all, she had always known that Owen would make a fantastic father. But she couldn't shake off the feeling that she wasn't doing as well as he was in this new role of parenthood.

She had always thought that she and Owen were on the same page when it came to having children. They had both been excited about starting a family, but now that Rosie was here, Amelia couldn't help but feel overwhelmed. She felt like she was failing at being a mother. She had trouble breastfeeding, and she wasn't as patient as she thought she would be. Although she was already a parent, Amelia quickly realized that she was completely out of her element with Rosie.

On top of that, Amelia couldn't help but notice how effortlessly Owen seemed to bond with their newborn. He had a natural ease with the baby, and it was clear that he was head over heels in love with her. This only added to Amelia's frustration as she struggled to form a bond with their child.

"So I was thinking we could finish the room by this weekend," Owen began as he stepped back and admired his work. The nursery was almost complete, and the only thing they were waiting on to be delivered was the changing station they'd ordered online a week ago. "And then maybe we can all go to the..." He looked behind him and noticed Amelia had a faraway look in her eyes. "Amelia?"

"Hmm?" she hummed, coming back to reality, "What did you say?"

He frowned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Owen," she said a bit too harshly. Owen was trying to understand and be patient with Amelia. He knew she was struggling and tried to offer her support and guidance. But as the days went by and Amelia still couldn't seem to connect with their daughter, Owen began to grow frustrated and resentful as well.

"Well, you don't have to snap at me," he mumbled.

"I'm sorry," she sighed, "I'm just tired."

As much as Owen loved his fiancée, he couldn't help but feel like she resented their baby. He tried to talk to her about it, but Amelia would shut down and refuse to discuss it. It seemed like every time they tried to have a serious conversation, it ended in a heated argument. Their relationship was strained because of the baby, and the once happy household was now filled with tension and resentment.

One day, while Owen was at the grocery, Amelia reached her breaking point. The baby had been crying for hours and Amelia couldn't take it anymore.

"Owen, you need to come home, now." She wedged the phone in between her shoulder and ear.

"Amelia, I haven't even reached the highway as yet," he replied, now turning onto the highway. In the background, he could hear the fervent crying of their now three week old new born.

"But she won't stop screaming!" Amelia exclaimed, trying to comfort Rosie as she spoke to him. "You can quiet her down, she likes you."

"She likes you too, Amelia," Owen chuckled into the phone.

"No, she hates me," she sniffled, feeling tears coming on, "She hates me and she hates Ryan and she hates anybody with dark hair and the last name Shepherd!" She finally burst into tears as she looked down at the miserable baby who refused to stop crying. "Owen, I don't know what to do anymore, Ryan was never like this! It's like this child is out to get me."

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