Chapter 5

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"I forgot how tiring it is manufacturing a human being," Amelia muttered, half sarcastically, as she leaned her back against Owen's chest, resting her head in the crook of his neck. "Thank god the nausea is gone."

"Well, I can put you on the schedule for less hours at work..." He stopped as soon as he saw those piercing blues staring up at him accusingly. "Never mind," he finished, chuckling as he rubbed her shoulders, splashing water over them to distract her from her irritation.

"I hope this isn't the chief of surgery speaking to me right now," she chimed, closing her eyes as she smirked, her jaw evidently tense.

Over the past couple of weeks, she and Owen had challenged each other on numerous occasions during work, causing a lot of tension amidst staff members and patients with their arguments. It was hard to pick a side when one side was the chief of neurosurgery, and the other side was the chief of surgery, especially when they were engaged to each other. Picking a side at work meant picking a side in their relationship, and many of the doctors there had realized long ago that it made no sense to do either, far less both. The power struggle was evident between the two, but no one would openly admit that as the reason for all their squabbles. Owen was coddling her because she was pregnant, and she was being arrogantly independent to counteract it. Something had to give.

Their most recent fight had been catalyzed by Owen rearranging Amelia's surgeries so that she would spend less time on her feet while working. To say that had sent Amelia over the edge, was an understatement; she hated being micromanaged. The action had led to an all-out yelling session right outside the OR that was supposed to be ready for her surgery, and Owen had unfortunately made the mistake of exercising his full control, as chief of surgery. He'd basically given her a 'time-out' in front of all their colleagues, as though she were a resident, and banished her to his office where her subordinates assumed, she would receive the actual punishment for her public disrespect. Although she complied, she obviously did not respond well to it in the end. By the time he'd made it there to privately address their argument, she'd torn up the entire room, the mess of it all making it known how angry she was. It was like a hurricane had torn through his office.

That fight had been just a few days ago, so it was still fresh in their minds as they sat in the bathtub together. Amelia had not broken up with him, but she had stopped wearing the engagement ring, so he didn't know where they stood. Quite frankly, he was surprised that she'd even invited him in the tub with her. Everything was all so confusing these days, and he hoped it was just the hormones, and not them falling apart.

"This is not the chief speaking to you," he laughed uncomfortably, deep in thought now. "Actually, I've been thinking about some stuff..." He didn't know where to start, but thankfully she did.

"I have too," she affirmed, "I'm sorry for making you feel like you have to choose between your job and me. It's just that the micromanaging..."

"Amelia, I get it," he cut her off, cupping his hands around her stomach. She looked up at him, the curiosity sparkling in her eyes. "I've been entirely too pushy with you, as of recently."

She quirked an eyebrow at him. "Go on..."

He smiled as he looked down at her, already sensing that she would forgive him. "I think I got caught up worrying about all the ways you could get hurt." He shifted uncomfortably as he looked around, adding, "I've always wanted to be a dad, it's been my dream since...I don't know. But I've never been through a pregnancy before, and honestly, it's scary." She watched him with concern, sensing that he was being vulnerable. "All the baby articles online, all the medical knowledge, it's always racing through my mind when I see you." He furrowed his brows and frowned, and Amelia could feel his pulse quickening, his heart thumping against her back. "I know you've been through the baby thing already, but this is my first child, Amelia. And I..."  He looked back at her again, his gaze a mixture of worry, fear, and love. "I want her to be perfect, and happy and healthy, and I don't want to have to worry about if you are standing too long, or not eating enough, and if it will hurt her. Or hurt you." He squeezed his arms around her stomach a little tighter. "I don't want you to hurt yourself, more than anything."

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