Then Daryl saw Dog & Rain rush over to greet them. Daryl wiped his tears away and greeted Dog as Rain hopped onto Ben's back. Rain looked around feeling a bit confused as to why Michelle wasn't there.

Daryl heard Rain making her monkey sounds towards Ben and Daryl knew what she was wondering or asking Ben right now because she sounded confused and sad.

''Hey, Rain.'' Daryl said softly as he walked up to her. ''C'mere.''

Daryl picked Rain up and carried her with one arm as he walked over to the couch. Ben and Dog followed them.

''I know ya ain't gonna understand a word I say, but....'' Daryl took a deep breath. ''Momma ain't comin' home tonight or for a while.''

Daryl could see the unsure look in Rain's eyes.

''Momma is alright. I promise I'll get her back for you & Ben.'' Daryl said as he rubbed Rain's back to comfort her. ''I promise.''

Rain cuddled up to Daryl's chest and he held her gently. They may not understand Daryl's words, but Ben, Dog & Rain could feel Daryl's pain and that Michelle was away from home.

Montparnasse Tower.
Michelle was forced to go up stairs to Keith's office as five of his armed men surrounded her the whole time. Keith ordered one of the men to take her weapons away and lock them away in the next room.

Michelle watched the guy walk away with her guns and knives and the one duffle bag she & Daryl brought with them. Keith saw Michelle watching the weapons get taken away.

''You won't be needing those anymore, Honey.'' Keith said as he stepped closer to her.

Michelle had her arms wrapped tightly around herself as if to keep herself together and to keep calm as she was unsure about what was going to happen to her now.

''Do you have any idea how happy I am to see that you're alive, Honey?'' Keith asked, trying to get Michelle to look at him, but she refused to make eye contact with him.

Michelle started to tune Keith's voice out and focused on Daryl's words.

"You're stronger than ya know."

Michelle ignored Keith and just got so lost in Daryl's words that repeated over and over in her mind.

"You're stronger than ya know."

Daryl's words was the only thing that was going to get Michelle through this horrible nightmare.

"You're stronger than ya know."

Keith realised that Michelle was not even listening to him and snapped his fingers in front of her face, but that didn't work. But then Keith lifted his hand up to Michelle's face and started to move her hair out of her face.

"You're stronger than ya know."

Then Michelle grabbed Keith's wrist and twisted it hard, making Keith yell out in pain after everyone in the room heard his wrist crack!

Michelle glared at Keith as he was in so much pain. Then his men aimed their weapons at Michelle, but Keith told his men to stand down and that he was fine. Keith only spoke to them in French, thinking Michelle didn't understand the language, but she did. Although, Michelle wasn't gonna let Keith know that she understood every word.

''Touch me again and I'll break your damn arm.'' Michelle said before walking off onto the grassy balcony.

It was a balcony that tourists would sit on and have a meal with touring the building. There were no tables or chairs, just brick brenches. Michelle walked to the middle and sat down cross legged on the grass with her back to Keith as he stared at her in disbelief with what she had just done. Even Michelle was surprised by what she did, but something snapped inside of her when she felt Keith touch her. How she went from fear to anger was something that even Michelle didn't see coming. All Michelle knew now was that all she felt towards Keith was pure anger, but now she had to keep her anger in check because if she tries anything else, his henchmen will kill her and she'll never get back to Ben, Rain, Dog & Daryl.

The Bunker.
Daryl was also starting to feel his own anger as he sat on the couch. Daryl's anger was also towards Keith, but it was also towards himself because he was getting frustrated that he was struggling come up with a way to get Michelle back, thinking he should've at least came up with something by now.

Ben & Rain were walking with Dog down the hallway to strengthen his leg like Michelle was doing with Dog every day. Daryl stood up and started pacing up and down trying to think, but he wasn't being patient enough with himself and coming up a plan while frustrated wasn't gonna work either and Daryl knew it.

The look of sadness on Michelle's face with tears running down when Daryl & Ben were forced to leave her behind flashed through Darly's mind several times. It started to overwhelm him not knowing what Keith might be getting into her head about right now. Was Keith picking up right where he left off and manipulating her? Has he already locked her in a room? Has he drugged her again like he did before?

Daryl's fists clinched as he held them against his forehead while he paced up & down. As all these questions ran through his mind, Daryl felt his anger and his sadness boil over. Then Daryl grabbed hold of the side of the metal table and he flipped it completely over!

''FUCK!!'' Daryl yelled with so much anger and pain in his voice.

Ben, Rain & Dog rushed down the hallway after hearing the noise and Daryl yell. They saw the table flipped over with the laptop and all the case files laying scattered across the floor.

Then they all saw Daryl just drop to his knees and then sit up against the wall next to the couch and he started crying. Daryl was just so angry that he started crying. Dog walked up to Daryl and sat down in front of him as Rain & Ben weren't sure what to do.

Dog sniffed at Daryl's head as Daryl had his head down. Then Dog licked Daryl's hands to let Daryl know that he was there and Daryl slowly looked up at Dog.

''Sorry.'' Daryl whispered.

Dog moved and sat down on the floor next to Daryl. Then Daryl rubbed Dog's back. Rain slowly approached Daryl and she looked worried as she held the end of her tail close to her chest.

''C'mere, Rain.'' Daryl sat cross legged before Rain crawled onto his lap and looked at him with concern. ''Sorry if I scared y'all.''

Daryl gently stroked Rain's back. Ben was going to join them, but something caught his attention. Ben walked over to Daryl's leather jacket that was on the floor next to his poncho that ended up there when Daryl flipped the table over.

Ben saw the little black book sticking out of the inner pocket of Daryl's jacket. Ben recalled that they found it on the lifeboat. Ben grabbed the jacket and walked over to Daryl, Dog & Rain.

''Whatcha got, Ben?'' Daryl asked as Rain climbed onto Daryl's shoulder.

Ben dropped the jacket in Daryl's lap and nudged the jacket with his nose. Daryl opened up the jacket and saw the book in his pocket.

''Shit.'' Daryl said as he took the book out. ''Forget about this damn thing.''

Daryl stared at it as Ben sat down in front of him.

''Thanks, buddy.'' Daryl smiled at Ben and Ben wagged his tail.

Rain pointed at the book and made soft monkey sounds almost as if to ask "What is that?".

''This belongs to that asshole that took ya Momma from us.'' Daryl told her. ''Ya know, there may be something in here that could get Jukebox back.''

Then Daryl realised something else.

'' could tells us exactly where Keith's main lab is.'' Daryl said.

That new possibility gave Daryl hope that he could do something big to get Michelle back, even if it meant that he had to find Keith's main lab first and destroy it.

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