Too tired

27 7 1

Degraded, insulted, joked
I'm not a plaything
No child is
But all I get is mocked

I am your child so I should put up with it?
I am your child so I should get insulted by you?
I am your child so I don't have right to say?
I am your child.. I really?

The water is too high
I'm too tired to swim back
Drowning feels good this time
Dying feels good, to Die and sleep

I don't even know if I'm okay
I don't know if I'm even alive
I don't know what feels anymore
I don't even know whose life is it

I'm tired
Too tired
Too numb
Too detached
Too depressed
Too.... Sad..

Versification of my soul Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora