The Avatar Returns (Part 1)

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~Jinhai POV~

Aang, you probably signaled the entire Fire Nation that we're here.

I mean, spirits forbid, he should make a mistake and forget to apologize.

Meanwhile, we walked back, but we were met by the entire tribe, along with Sokka Horsetail and Gran Gran.

Sokka: What was that?! Have you realized you possibly signaled the Fire Nation?!

Kat: Don't blame Aang! It was an accident!

Sokka: Katara, it's obvious. He's Fire Nation. He has to go.

Jinhai: How do you not see that he's brough back something we haven't had in a long time? And that's "fun"!

Kat: Gran Gran. Please, you have to believe us.

Gran Gran: Sokka is right. Aang must be banished from our tribe.

Kat: Then fine! I'm banished too!

She grabbed Aang's arm and pulled him to the flying bison.

Gran Gran: Where do you think you're going?

Kat: I'm getting out of here. Aang's gonna fly me to the Northern Water Tribe to find me a waterbending teacher. Jinhai, you coming with us?

Jinhai: You bet I am.

I walked with Katara and Aang to the bison and before we got on, Sokka tried to grab Kat by her shoulder, but I stopped him with one of my Twin Hooks.

Jinhai: Touch her and I'll slice your hands off.

Kat: Jinhai!

Kid: No Aang don't go! We'll miss you!

Aang: I'll miss you too. Katara, thanks for penguin sliding with me, you too Jinhai.

And he went on his way from us. Sokka shouldn't have sent Aang away, and Kat? I don't blame her for walking away after the failed attempt at getting to the North Pole.

Seriously, did anyone think about her newbie skills at Waterbending and thought, "Oh, this is a good idea. Let's send her and the last airbender to our sister tribe so they both can learn". Nope! Sokka has to come in and ruin everything!

I went up to Sokka with a huge glare and said to him...

Jinhai: Congratulations. You just proved to Kat and I to be the most delusional idiot I've ever met in my life.

I walked away and went to my igloo, where I was sharpening my Twin Hooks, my arrows, and my Peircers for the fight about to happen.


After I calmed down regain my composure, I went to Sokka's igloo to see him getting some PAINT on? Is he overdoing it? I think he is.

Sokka: Jinhai! Perfect timing! You have your hooks with you?

Jinhai: As always.

Sokka: Since Aang possibly signaled the Fire Nation to come here, we have to be ready. Let me put some paint on you.

Jinhai: Hold on! Paint? What are you, nuts? I think wearing war paint isn't needed.

Sokka: Sounds like you're the one who's nuts, Jinhai! I'll put half on you, how's that?

Jinhai: I can work with that.

He started painting my face and after a while he was done. When I looked into the little mirror he had, I thought it looked very cool!

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