Chapter 10: Emotions Are Werid

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The man raised his hand, silencing me as if he owned the breath in my lungs.

"I know what boarding school. You don't have to explain yourself. As an extra precaution of being close to my son, I needed to make sure you weren't some crazed Alpha. I know that school in particular is known to deal with troubled Alphas in very suspect ways, but you don't have a history of being an aggressive and unruly alpha. So my last a question is this, why did your father send you to such a place?"

If only I knew the real answer to that question. Sure it was easy to think that he just didn't want me impeding on his life with his wife, but that couldn't have been his complete thought process. If he loved my mother like he said he did. If he loved me like he said he did, then there was another reason.

"I'm not sure yet. My relationship with my father isn't a good one. We don't talk," I explained.

Walker's father eyed me, before turning around so that his back was now facing me again. "I you essentially have no family. You have friends, but no one's ever been close enough for you to consider them family. Am I correct?" He asked.

What was he trying to figure out. I had no one. No one except my manager. "The only person I consider family is my manager, Bailey. She's the reason I'm acting. I mean of course I consider your son family too. I know things are still new, but he means a lot to me and it's not just the attraction I feel from out pair bond. It's so much more that I can't explain," I answered.

The man was quiet for a moment before he sat down, releasing a sigh I didn't know he was holding in. "My son is in love with you. There's no doubt in my mind. I've marked him...well...let me rephrase that. He let you mark him. I've never seen him like this with anyone, which in my book is a win. I thought I'd never see the day he'd find a mate," the
Man laughed as he reached towards the coffee table where his glass of scotch was.He took a sip, seeing the glass down gently. He then stared at me again.

"I want to apologize to you for my wife's behavior a few days ago. She can be a little brazen and judgmental, but she just wants the best for our only son," he explained. I thought back to the conversation I had with Walker's mother when he was at the hospital. How she grilled me about her son needing to be protected. How she thought I was a good for nothing Alpah who got lucky. Part of me wanted to prove my worth to her and Walker and another part of me wanted to run away because I felt like I'd never amount to their expectations. In a crazy way I wanted to make her accept me and if i couldn't then I'd just disappear.

"Daddy! Oh my gosh!..." Walker marched over to me, checking to see if my head was still attached to my body before glaring at his own father like the man had just killed me. " said you'd be here late tonight!" The boy grumbled.

"Did you really expect me not to interrogate him? He marked you and I'm just supposed to sit back and wait for you to allow me to meet the alpha who's stealing my son away from me. That's not fair," the man argued, seeming to change his entire demeanor at the presence of his son.

I didn't understand what was happening? This feeling inside of me as Walker's face dropped. I watched the omega slowly walk over to his father and embrace him. "He's not stealing me away daddy.  You act like you'll never see me again," Walker said dramatically. I suddenly felt warm as the man squeezed Walker, placing a kiss upon the top of his omega son's head.

What the hell was going on. I didn't recognize any of these emotions. I didn't even understand why I was feeling them. Were these Walker's emotions?

"Malachi, why do you feel so confused?" Walker asked me.

I shook my head, feeling as though I'd throw up any minute. I wasn't used to feeling this way nor was I used to someone immediately understanding how I felt.

Walker's father began to chuckle as he stood up. "I'll give you two some privacy to talk. I'll be bothering Blair if you need me," he said as exited the main family room.

Walker walked right up to me and placed a gentle hand on my cheek. "I'm sorry. I didn't expect my dad to be here already. On top of that I know you're probably not used to that kind of connection. I didn't mean to overwhelm you like that," he said. He was right. I wasn't used to that father and son bond. It was so foreign to me that I didn't even recognize it was happening. The way Walker called him daddy. How they interacted with each other. How careful his father was not to be to stern with him the way he was with me. I was jealous.


"It's fine," I said. It wasn't that big of a deal. I was just me realizing what I had never had.

"No it's not. I should've been more considerate of how you felt in the moment. I mean, you've just marked me and you feel everything I feel. I have to be more aware of the things I do now. I..."

I shook my head again, wondering where that sentiment even came from. "You're allowed to feel Walker. You're allowed to be the same person you've always been. That wouldn't be fair to make you restrict yourself like" I still felt a little guilty about yesterday. The fear I felt when I came inside of him. He could potentially being pregnant at the moment and I didn't have the heart to tell him.

"Did you take a pregnancy test by any chance? I just..."

"Malachi...chill," Walker giggled.

How was he laughing right now? What did he know that I didn't?

"I have a IUD. Unless I take it out, I can't get pregnant," he explained.


"Does it bother you that I have one?" He questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"No, I just...why? I mean, it's not like you were active before me..." I didn't realize how dumb that sounded until it came out of my mouth. I of all people should've been aware of how you could be sexually taken advantage of. Especially someone who was an omega.

"I'm sorry...sometimes my mouth says things that aren't fully thought out. I totally missed the point."

Walker simply giggled at me again while standing on his tippy toes to kiss my cheek. "No one said I have to keep it in. Maybe I want to take it out," he whispered into my ear. If he kept talking like that, I'd end up forcing him into heat again.

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