Chapter 8: Heart of Darkness

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The air became deathly still. Time seemed to pause as Crash, Aku Aku, and Aisleen readied themselves. Their opponent, Lyra Pholez, hadn't been a thorn in their side for long, but in the little amount of time she had been present, she had caused much destruction across the island. Seconds turned into minutes, but she said not a word. All she could do was grin maliciously; in her mind, she knew that this was only the beginning.

Cortex Castle, which had been set ablaze, became a dark figure in the distance as the airship made its way toward the opposite direction. Crash nearly lost his balance once it sped up, but Aku Aku, via telekinesis, managed to catch him in time. Aisleen paid no mind to the duo, for her gaze was set on Lyra alone.

When it seemed as though Lyra was about to make her move, a masculine voice called out, "You traitorous swine!"

The wolf's head slowly turned, and her eyes met Cortex's. With an evil grin, she said, "Ah, Dr. Cortex. I was wondering when you would return." She paused. "Wasn't that little brat with you?"

"Enough, Lyra. I will warn you only once - leave my sight! You betrayed me, and that'll be the last thing you will do. Do you understand me?"

"I don't take orders from a mortal."

Before Cortex could retort, Aisleen said to him, "She had been using you from the beginning. She knew just how gullible you were. No offense, of course. Apparently, the fact that she attempted to end your life in the past meant nothing to you."

"Do not speak to your leader that way," Cortex growled. "Or do you not want to see your dear husband again?"

Aisleen gasped sharply. "Don't bring him into this."

"What is going on here?" Crash interrupted.

No one had time to respond, for Natalie arrived next via hoverboots. Cortex turned to her and asked, "I take it you couldn't find him either."

Natalie was about to reply, until she noticed Crash and Aku Aku staring at her in curiosity. "I will...explain the details later," she said, being careful with her words. "Now, tell me who we shall focus on first."

"It does not matter, just as long as the bandicoot is dealt with."

Aisleen was the only one to be confused on what to do. She looked left and right, as if waiting for an answer to miraculously appear. After a while, she ultimately decided to focus on battling Lyra. After all, she was more of a threat than anyone else realized.

Natalie continued to hover in the air, her eyes refusing to leave Aisleen. Her head began to ache as she became light headed. There was just something about the situation that was familiar. She was certain that Aisleen was hiding something from her, and she was determined to discover the truth during the battle.

As for Crash and Aku Aku, they focused mainly on Cortex. It proved to be quite difficult, as Lyra was attacking them at the same time. Aisleen, however, was there to make sure neither of them were damaged.

Several minutes passed, and Lyra turned her attention to Cortex. "I think it's about time you left," she said sinisterly.

Cortex pointed his ray gun at Lyra, but before he had the chance to use it, a portal appeared behind him, a mysterious force pulling him in. He tried to escape its grasp, but it was all for naught. He vanished entirely as the portal slowly closed.

"N-No..." Natalie wailed.

"Do you see what happens when you oppose me?" Lyra snarled. "All mortals in this universe shall pay for their transgressions."

"That didn't mean you had to do that!" Crash barked.

"Oh? How interesting. You now act as though you care about him. He has done nothing but bring harm to you."

"You are wrong. I don't care about him, but I do know one thing - you are more insane than he is."

Lyra turned her attention to Natalie, who gulped at the wolf's icy glare. "Well? What is your position in all this?"

As Natalie joined Crash, Aku Aku, and Aisleen, she said, "Let's end this quickly. I've got things to do."

"Stubborn as always. Your father was right about you."

Natalie's eyes widened. "How do you know him? Tell me, now!"

"All in due time. For now, I believe that your time is up."

Upon hearing the pun, Natalie dashed forward and teleported behind Lyra, catching the wolf off guard and successfully grabbing her by the collar of her cloak. In pure rage, her eyes changed from purple to red and her body began to glow a dark blue hue.

"Listen to me, cretin," Natalie growled, her voice demonic. "You are to leave this dimension and never return, right after you tell me where my father is. If you don't, you will suffer a fate much worse than destruction."

Lyra only smirked in response. "Well, this is surprising," she sneered. "Using your dark powers again, are you?"

"Enough! Where is my father?"

"He is located in another dimension, I'm afraid. Do not ask me which one, for I do not know."

Natalie let go of Lyra, her appearance returning to normal. "Leave this place at once."

"On one condition--"

"No more deals, Lyra!"

What is she talking about? Crash wondered.

"Oh, I only want a small gift," Lyra said. "I shall take something that the bandicoot holds dear."

"You leave Tawna alone!" Crash yelled.

"I am not talking about her, you imbecile. What I speak of is...your voice."

"My...voice? What would be the point of taking my voice away?"

"Oh, you won't need it anymore. Trust me."

The others had all sorts of questions in mind, but they had no time to ask any of them. Before they knew it, Lyra had already used her magic to take away Crash's voice, disappearing through a portal afterward. Crash opened his mouth to speak, but just as he had feared, no sound would come out.

"That can't be good," said Aisleen.

Aku Aku turned to the feline and asked, "Do you know where Tawna is located?"

Aisleen nodded. "She is located in the airship as we speak. One who calls herself Coco is with her."


"Crash's sister, I believe."

Crash wanted to say something, but he was distraught that he could no longer communicate. All he could do was speak in gibberish, so he was surprised when the others could understand him.

In gibberish, he had exclaimed, "I have a sister?!"

But Aisleen did not respond. Instead, she teleported inside of the aerial vehicle, returning a few seconds later with two blonde bandicoots, one a lot taller than the other. Crash ran up to Tawna and gave her a hug, then proceeded to explain to her everything that had occurred. Although she was disheartened to hear that he had lost his voice, she was relieved to see him again.

Crash turned to the shorter female bandicoot, in a state of bewilderment. Praying she could understand him as well, he said, "You must be Coco. You' sister?"

"I couldn't believe it at first either," said Coco. "Tawna explained everything to me."

"That's nice and all," Natalie interrupted, "but I wish to land safely back on the island as soon as possible."

"You can say that again."

Just as Natalie was about to enter the airship to turn off autopilot, the aerial vehicle proceeded to shake ferociously. One of the engines appeared to be busted, which caused Crash to panic. As for the others, they tried to find a solution to their predicament. They had little time, for the airship was already making its way toward the island below at a rapid pace.

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