Chapter 1: A Dark Explanation

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The young marsupial awakened in the most peculiar of places. His vision slowly cleared as he sat up, taking in the wondrous sight before him. An ocean was just a few feet away, the water's ripples catching his eye. The sun was setting across the horizon. It would have been beautiful, if not for everything that just transpired.

He had just escaped from the clutches of a man who called himself Dr. Cortex. He vaguely recalled someone standing near the evil scientist, but he hadn't the faintest idea what the individual's name was. The last thing he could remember clearly was jumping out of a window, landing in the ocean below and falling unconscious, awakening on a beach some time later.

"I am relieved to see that you are alive."

He looked left and right, searching for the unfamiliar voice. He saw a floating entity in the corner of his eye and turned to see what exactly it was. He was met with a strange sight - a floating mask, who was seemingly staring at him in concern.

"Uh, who are you?" the bandicoot asked.

The mask replied by stating that his name was Aku Aku, self-proclaimed guardian of the island. Afterward, he proceeded to ask, "And what might your name be?"

The bandicoot thought for a while before the memory slowly returned to him. Cortex's colleague had referred to him as Crashworth Cortex, but that name didn't seem fitting in the slightest.

"You can just call me...Crash Bandicoot," he replied.

Aku Aku nodded. That was a name he'd have to keep in mind. "I witnessed your falling and brought you here just in time," he explained. "Now tell me, child, what you were doing in Cortex Castle."

"You know Cortex?"

"Indeed. He has made himself known by his efforts to conquer the world. He mutated several animals to work for him, but I can see that it was not entirely successful."

"What do you mean?"

"You must have forgotten. That's quite all right. I will be sure to explain everything in great detail."


After the mask's rather lengthy explanation, Crash simply tilted his head in response. None of it quite made sense to him. That was when he remembered her.

Tawna. She had been his love interest before they were even mutated. The two shared a strong connection, a bond that would never break. Without his beloved, Crash felt empty. He had to save her, no matter what the cost.

"We've got to find a way back to the castle, and fast!" Crash said suddenly, catching Aku Aku off guard. "Tawna might be in danger!"

Aku Aku raised a brow. "Tawna?" he questioned. "I'm not sure I know who that is."

"She was experimented on as well, but nothing went according to plan. She never made it out of the castle."

"Then we must make haste. There is no telling what Cortex plans on doing with her."


Tawna heaved a sigh as she sat in her cage, experiencing feelings of depression and confusion. She had nearly lost all hope. Would Crash ever come to her rescue? The more important question was, who was the other bandicoot in a separate cage near hers?

She glanced at said bandicoot, who was still unconscious, every now and then. It was a female as well, albeit a lot shorter. Her hair was also blonde but was tied in a ponytail, a flower visible on one side. She wore blue jeans - one of the straps had come loose - a white shirt, and pink shoes.

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