Chapter 6: Bullets and Guns

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About an hour had passed since the previous battle. Crash and Aku Aku had become hopelessly lost. In fact, it seemed as though they had been going in circles.

Crash halted completely and, crossing his arms, said, "This isn't getting us anywhere. Where's Aisleen when we need her?"

"I do not believe she would assist us during this time," Aku Aku said.

Crash heaved a sigh. "Then it looks like we're on our own."

The duo did not trek far before they were halted once more. Before them stood a hooded individual, but it was not Aisleen. The vibe they gave off felt eerie to both Crash and his guardian, and the air became deathly still. The figure slowly approached the two, but that only caused the marsupial to take a reactionary step back. As for Aku Aku, his cold glare refused to leave the stranger.

The cloaked individual heaved a sigh as they pulled the hood back, revealing their face. Aku Aku's eyes widened at the sight before him - a female anthropomorphic wolf with tan fur, curly hair that was tied in a short ponytail, and blue eyes.

Before either hero could utter a sound, the wolf said, "What you are trying to achieve will be for naught. I suggest you turn back now. Progressing through the island will only lead to your being cursed."

"I do not believe that," Crash retorted. "I will save this island. I will put an end to Cortex's tyranny!"

"You fail to understand. Allow me to explain further, then. Even if you succeed, you will suffer a most tragic fate. No longer will you be able to communicate with others, or at least those you are not close to."

"Don't listen to her, Crash," interrupted Aku Aku. "That is Lyra, the one Aisleen warned us about. She has always been known for her trickery."

"Aisleen? Where might I find her?"

"We aren't telling you anything," Crash growled.

"I was afraid that would be the case. Very well. You may continue this pathetic journey of yours, but keep in mind what I had told you."

The bandicoot crossed his arms and smirked. "Like we believe any of that."

"Fine. I tried to warn you, but you refused to heed my words. I shall leave you be, but this won't be the last you'll see of me."

After Lyra vanished completely from sight, Crash turned to his guardian. "That was strange."

"Indeed," Aku Aku agreed. "Lyra is not one to be trusted, so I wouldn't believe a word that she says."

"I figured she was bad news, especially since she's with the organization."

The two continued their trek through the jungle. A few minutes or so had passed before Crash began to feel rather light headed. He shrugged it off and assumed that occurred to everyone every now and then, so he continued to follow the mask. With each passing minute, his headache only worsened. He finally had to stop, and Aku Aku turned to him in a state of worry.

"Is everything all right?" he asked.

Crash did not respond. He could no longer hear anything around him. More peculiar was the fact that his surroundings became rather blurry. He held his head in agony as he fell on his knees. Aku Aku could only watch as the marsupial succumbed to unconsciousness.


He jolted up, dazed and confused. It felt as though he had been trapped in a nightmare. As he stood up and took in his surroundings, he realized that was not the case. What he had suffered through so far was part of reality, and he had to accept that fact.

"About time youse woke up."

Crash looked left and right, in search of the gangster-like voice, his eyes soon landing on another mutant. He wasn't entirely sure what type of animal it was. A rat, perhaps? Whatever the case, he could sense that he wished to stir trouble.

"The name's Pinstripe," the mutant introduced. "I guess she was right. You really did show up."

Crash was even more perplexed. Who was Pinstripe speaking of? More importantly, how did Crash even get here?

"First of all, I passed out and somehow ended up here," he corrected. "Also, who the heck are you talking about?"

Pinstripe's smile immediately faded. "My business," he seethed. "Now, let's get down to business. Youse trespassin', so I suggest you leave before I put a bullet through your skull!"

Crash crossed his arms defiantly. "I'm not going anywhere, not until I get some answers."

That only resulted in Pinstripe pulling the trigger of his firearm. A bullet flew right past Crash's ear, and he could have sworn he felt the wind off of it as it hit the wall behind him. Sweat trickled down his forehead. It had seemed that the situation had only become worse.

"That was a warning shot," Pinstripe warned. "I won't miss the next time."

Crash stood his ground, giving the mutant an icy glare. As numerous bullets were fired, the bandicoot hid behind a chair that had been knocked over. It made him wonder what could have possibly happened earlier to cause that.

"Youse nothin' but a coward," Pinstripe taunted. "Come out and face me...or are you too much of a chicken to do so?"

That was it! Crash ran as fast as his legs could carry him toward Pinstripe, causing him to accidentally pull the trigger many times. The power went out as a result, and the glass behind him shattered. Noticing an opening, Crash spun into his opponent, effectively knocking him out.

"Who's the coward now?" Crash said smugly. "Now how do I get out of here?"

As though a miracle, Aku Aku arrived a few seconds later. "There you are," he said. "I spent hours looking for you!"

"I was unconscious for that long? Do you know how I appeared in...wherever this is?"

"I am uncertain. All I know is that you were dragged away by someone I did not recognize. She failed to notice me, it had seemed. There wasn't anything I could do, for she vanished as quickly as she had arrived." Aku Aku had just noticed the state of the room. "What happened in here?"

"I'll explain along the way."


"I was not expecting you to fail."

Pinstripe had just returned to the castle, and he was being tended to by Natalie. In response to her statement, he said, "Youse never told me how tough he was."

Natalie raised a brow. "Tough? He defeated you in one hit."

"Cortex should have never created him."

"Correction - he should have never attempted to mutate him before it was time to do so."

Pinstripe rolled his eyes. "Again with the stupid time puns. You're as bad as your father."

"Yeah, yeah. Just go. I have things to do."

Pinstripe stood to take his leave. He began making his way toward Cortex's laboratory, but he stopped in his tracks. No, he had better things in mind.

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