Chapter 2: Rude Awakening

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After much trekking, Crash and Aku Aku found themselves in a small village. Only a few huts could be seen, with one a lot taller than the rest. As peculiar as it seemed, it possessed no door. Before his guardian could retort, Crash entered the hut without a word.

A rather tall and overweight man was on the other side of the room, sleeping soundly. The sound of footsteps, however, was enough to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times in an attempt to get his vision to focus. He immediately spotted two people he had never seen the likes of before. One was an anthropomorphic bandicoot, while the other was a floating mask. As bewildered as the man was, he had no time to think. These two were trespassing, and they were to be dealt with accordingly.

He stretched his arm out toward the right, wrapping his fingers around a sort of staff. He pointed the weapon at the marsupial and, without a word, slammed it on the ground. It nearly hit Crash, but he was able to jump out of the way in time. The battle continued in that manner, and it wasn't long before Crash needed a break. The hostile man, however, would not allow it and refused to cease his attacks.

While watching the scene, Aku Aku pondered over what he should do. A brilliant idea soon came to mind. He turned to Crash and, in order to get the bandicoot's attention, called out his name. Crash, while still dodging every attack, turned to look at his guardian with a curious expression.

"Allow me to assist you," Aku Aku spoke.

Before Crash could respond, Aku Aku proceeded to place himself on the marsupial's face. In an instant, he felt more powerful than ever. He proceeded to hop atop the man's head, doing so until his opponent was rendered unconscious. Aku Aku left Crash's face afterward and turned to look at him.

"What was all that?" Crash asked.

"I will be sure to explain everything at a later date," said Aku Aku. "In the meantime, we should progress through our journey. Cortex isn't the only one we will be facing, after all."

"Right. We'll most likely have to battle a Master of Darkness as well. Are they really that dangerous, though?"

"One should never underestimate the organization. They make up some of the most evil, if not most powerful, beings in existence."

"Then why would one try to warn us?"

"I believe that said individual was telling the truth, for I could sense that she really was no longer a member of the organization. I had always believed that they could never be reformed, but I suppose I was mistaken."

"Do you know who she was?"

"I'm afraid I cannot say. Her voice was familiar, though. Anyway, we should take our leave before he wakes up."

Crash glanced at the unconscious man. "You don't have to tell me twice."


"You have failed me. You do realize what the punishment for failure is, don't you?"

"Papu sorry. Papu try harder next time."

"Oh, there isn't going to be a 'next time'. I apologize, but you are coming with me."

"Where you taking Papu?!"

"I am going to make you watch as those heathens you call 'friends' meet their fates."

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