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run this up, not even playing !



"Order for Lia." I heard.

I walked up to the counter getting my drink from Starbucks.

"Thank you!" I smiled.

I made sure to always smile, or at least try. Especially when getting a service, I worked at Chick Fil A for most of high school. I was independent to say the least.

I walked out the student center heading back towards my dorm. I had just finished working out, and didn't have a class today. It was the Friday before homecoming, so of course I was going to find a way to be occupied.

Madesyn was coming up to party with us for the weekend. I had to clean up and blow up her air mattress. When we moved in we all dedicated a space in our room for the others. We had one more best friend, Brittany but she went out of state for college.

I pressed my key fob opening the door to my dorm. I went towards the elevator before hearing my name. I saw my classmate Ella and walked over to her in the game room.

She sat at a table playing Uno with two other girls and 3 guys. I gave her a hug before turning to wave at everyone.

"This is Tahlia y'all, this is the smart one I was telling y'all about." She nudged me.

"Hi nice to meet y'all." I smiled.

"Tahlia huh?" I turned my head in his direction. He was about my complexion, with twists hanging in his face.

"Uhh yea." I nodded.

"You smart? I'm failing right now." A light-skin one interrupted.

"Yes, but it's literally the beginning of the semester. How are you failing?" I tilted my head.

"Know it all, I like you." He laughed, okay he's the gay homeboy.

"Sit down, we'll deal you in." One of the girls said.

The one with the twist stood up and offered me his chair.

"Aw thanks." I took it as he nodded.

"I'm Maya." Said the girl dealing me in.

"I'm Deja." The other one said quietly, okay she's the shy one.

"I'm Tee." Said the light skin gay one.

"I'm John." They continued down the line.

"Corey." He stuck his hand out. I shook it making eye contact with him.

I'm in there like swim wear.

They dealt me in and I tried to get comfortable. I was listening in on their conversation and they were all really cool.

"So what's your major Tahlia?" Tee asked.

"Poli Sci and Econ, I'm going to law school." I put down a card.

"You is a smart ass bitch." He nodded his head.

"Why everybody gotta be a bitch?" John asked.

"Cause they is, bitch." Tee bucked up at him.

Corey shook his head before putting down a draw 4 card on me. I shook my head rolling my eyes.

"We just met, you coulda been nice this round." I drew my cards.

"I don't play fair Ms. Tahlia." He laughed sitting back in his seat.

"Call me Lia." I smiled a bit.

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