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I'm back with new!



I brushed my teeth as Kitty Kat by Beyoncé played through my dorm. I nodded my head to the beat finishing my morning routine. I had an 10:30 class to make and I still needed to get breakfast.

I slipped on a matching Skims set after moisturizing. I slipped on some sneakers and left my braids in the ponytail, pulling out some curly pieces. I picked up my Northface bag, and my keys slipping them in the pocket.

I looked over my appearance one good time. I had chocolate skin with a round face. I had a pretty standard body for girls my age.

I transferred my music over to my headphones still bumping Beyoncé religiously. I walked out my dorm room, locking it. Blue and gold greeted me in the hallway of my honors housing.

I got onto the elevator checking my socials. I went to my family group chat texting them so they knew I was up and headed to class. My best friend Madesyn texted me, asking if she could come visit for the weekend.

She went to UNC, but it was only about 30 minutes from me here in Greensboro. I told her sure walking out of my residence hall.

I made the walk to the cafe, walking up the stairs. I smiled at a classmate walking towards the pastries. I grabbed a bagel toasting it while getting some cream cheese. My music drowned out the sound behind me. I felt a tap making me turn around.

"PJ!" I smiled hugging him.

PJ and I went back to sophomore year of highschool. He was one of two of my only guy friends that respected and treated me like their sister. My tire went flat senior year and he sat with me for 3 hours to get my car towed.

"Lil T way." He rocked me back and forth. One thing he was good for was a nickname.

"Where you headed?" I wrapped up my bagel.

"Coming from my 9am, I can drop you off at your class." He walked with me down the stairs.

"I'm good, don't worry about me." I smiled at him.

He opened the door for me as the October air hit us. We were freshman at NCAT, we'd only been on campus for 2 months. I loved every bit of college life though.

"Love ya." He pulled me in for a hug.

I embraced him before turning away and playing my music again. I ate my bagel still moving to make it to my class.

My other best friend Ariana texted me. We both went to NCAT together. She was telling me about this boy who she had met in the engineering building. One thing Ari was good for, keeping a nigga. I laughed at her message and bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" I stressed.

"My fault." I heard making my eyes pop up.


"Excuse me." I shuffled around him.

I walked into the building and down the lecture hall. I made it to my seat and sat down sinking.

Tahir and I met my freshman year of highschool. He was my first date, first kiss, first love, he was like my best friend. We were off and on for the remainder high school.

I would find a boyfriend, he would find a girlfriend. For some reason, we always had a connection. A type of chemistry that was undeniable.

Tahir plays football for NCAT, after he committed our relationship got complicated. It only got worse after I got my honors acceptance and my full ride. This may sound good and all. Tahir and I have so much in common, but one distinct difference.

Tahir was a hoe.

I hated him, my friends hated him, my sister hated him, my mother, my father. He did me all types of wrong.

"Welcome." Said my professor breaking me out of thought.

I opened my Mac Book and grabbed my notes. I was a nerd undeniably, I loved reading and writing. I had a 4.4 graduating high-school, that's how I got my full ride. I loved school, I was majoring in Political Science and Economics.


"So maybe if the engineer boy has a friend we can go out tonight?" Said Ari.

"Girl." I squatted with her spotting me.

We both loved the gym, she was an athlete and it was like therapy for me.

"A good ole fashioned 2 man." She winked.

"I'm good." I laughed.

I had calmed down a lot after highschool. Of course I still went out and drank and partied. But the relationship arena? Was no longer something I spent time on. I had crashed and burned too many times.

"Plus, I have some work to do. I think I'm gonna go to the library tonight." I racked the weight.

"You know that's the football study hall." She eyed me as we switched.

"I can go study!" I scoffed.

I was really kidding, I knew how I could get. In high-school, I absolutely loved football players. They're still like eye candy for me now.

"Ima be engineering ole boy." She breathed out squatting.

"Send me the rate!" I spotted her.

We had this tradition, after we spent the night with a boy we'd leave a review. Like a good old fashioned yelp comment, with stars and critiques. Even if we didn't sleep with them. I still remember my rate for Tahir.

I shook him out of my thoughts listening back into my best friend.

"Mwah, I'm finna go get cleaned up." She racked the weight.

"Have fun tonight." I hugged her.

She was walking out of the gym as I went to the treadmill. I set my speed for me to run a mile. I blasted rap music in my headphones focused on my breathing.

A lot of people have negative thoughts about the college transition. I always thought, how bad could it be?


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