LXIII. The Ending of a Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Take a damn look!"

Suddenly, Daryl lunges at Negan with a fierce punch, making Madeleine's breath catches as chaos ensues, soldiers tackling Daryl to the ground. Her mind stops racing, grappling with the overwhelming mix of fear and anger.


Daryl fights against the soldiers, Dwight gripping the crossbow tightly, its point aimed threateningly at Daryl's head. The soldiers easily overpower him, pinning Daryl down to the ground.

"No!" Negan exclaims angrily, his bat pointed menacingly at Daryl. "On, no." Madeleine's breaths come heavy as she places her hands on the ground, locking eyes with Daryl, a silent plea for him to endure.

In a split second, Madeleine rises from her spot, drawing everyone's attention over to her. Sergio reacts swiftly by pointing a gun at the back of her head. Unfazed, she maintains her gaze on Negan, who lowers the bat to his side, intrigued by the unexpected interruption.

"It's over, it's done," Madeleine declares, a firmness in her voice.

Negan tilts his head, assessing the woman's courage. Sergio inches forward, the cold metal of the gun pressing against Madeleine's head.

"Don't touch her!" Daryl grunts, restrained by the soldiers on the ground.

Sergio's finger hovers over the trigger, but Madeleine remains stoic, her eyes locked on Negan, a silent standoff between fearless defiance and the cruel reality of Negan. The man smirks, appreciating her audacious spirit even with the cold steel of a gun against her head.

The weight of the moment presses on Rick's heart, witnessing his daughter's bravery in the face of peril. Carl turns away, tears welling up, while Glenn, Michonne, and Maggie share a collective gasp, their breaths caught in the confrontation.

He smirks, glancing between Daryl and Madeleine. "Is that your man, Angel of Death?" Negan nods his head at  Sergio, causing him to lower the gun. Negan steps closer to her, seizing her face forcefully. Daryl struggles against the grip, but Madeleine maintains her defiant glare on Negan. "ANSWER ME," he demands, tightening his grip on her face.


"Interesting." Negan releases her with an evil smile. "Ah, this has become so much more entertaining."

He roughly grabs her arm, prompting Daryl to shout and fight against the soldiers holding him back. "Don't touch her! Don't touch her!!!"

Madeleine glances at Daryl, shaking her head as his lips tremble. Her dad remains focused on her as Negan signals for the soldiers to drag Daryl back in line.

"Angel of Death, you are something else," Negan remarks, dragging her to stand beside Freya before letting go of her arm and pointing at her. A curious glint sparkles in his eyes. "Normally, I kill people's friends, threaten some more, beat one or two up, and the others stay in their place. You and him..." He briefly looks at Daryl. "I can see why you're together." Negan laughs, the anger intensifying in Madeleine's eyes, her hatred for him evident as the rest of the group watches helplessly. "Your sister, your father, your boyfriend, your brother..." He chuckles as she clenches her jaw. "I am so glad they're all here, so much blood could be spilled." He smiles at her. "It is far from over."

"Kill them all," Madeleine starts, her voice cutting through the air, taking Negan slightly by surprise. "At the end, you'll still bleed."

Negan smirks, looking over at Sergio, who appears amused by her boldness. "Get her back in line, Sergio." With a firm grip, Sergio grabs Madeleine's arm and drags her to kneel beside Glenn once more. "You have more to lose than anybody else here," Negan points out with a warning tone. "I like your lady balls, but do not test me. I'll make you kill every single one of them, and then I'll make you end your own life." His gaze shifts to Daryl, a look of disgust evident as he shakes his head in disapproval. "That? Oh, my!" Negan speaks with amusement. "That... is a no-no. The whole thing," his eyes darken as he glares at the group, "not one bit of that shit flies here."

𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬, 𝐁𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | TWD [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now