Unsightly Remains/March 10, 2020

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Edward's POV:

We soon left Elsbridge and started our way to Wellsworth when we suddenly saw smoke coming from Crosby. We knew something had gone wrong there, so I decided to split up from the group to investigate. James intervened, saying that it was a bad idea to split up in times like this, but I assured him that everything would be fine. James decided to come with me just to make sure I wouldn't get hurt by anything that might attack. Gordon, Henry, and Murdoch wished us luck and went to Wellsworth, while James and I made the trek to Crosby. Sadly, when we arrived, we found the source of the smoke. There was a goods train in the yard, and when I came up to the front of the train, the sight made my driver nearly throw up in the cab. There, at the front of the train, was Neville, or at least what remained of him. There was blood everywhere, boiler tubes scattered around, smoke from nearby trucks that caught fire from the flying debris, and worst of all, Neville's face. A boiler tube had punctured his smokebox door and face, with one eye being pierced by the tube; the other eye was completely gone, and the eye sockets were both absolutely screwed up. Something that James noticed was that there were also parts of a crystal spider scattered around the yard. We were about to leave when we heard the voice of Owen Hartley, Neville's fireman. He was covered in soot, but he seemed to be mostly alright. 

No One's POV:

James: Owen? What are you doing here? What happened? Why did Neville... well, I think you know.

Edward: JAMES! Calm down!

James: Beg pardon Edward, but you saw whatever is left of Neville. Owen is the only witness here who probably saw what happened.

Owen: Don't worry, James; you wanted to know after seeing what happened to him.

James: Thanks, Owen. Now can you tell us what happened?

Owen: Why yes, I shall.

Owen's POV:

We were taking a goods train of building supplies to Knapford for a project. We had barely left the Kirk Ronan Branchline when we heard screaming coming from Maron Station. We raced through Maron and saw D261 with some crystal spiders; they had cornered Billy in a siding and were cutting him up with lasers. D261 was laughing maniacally as Billy screamed and begged for the pain to stop. They didn't notice us race past, fortunately, but I have a bad feeling that Billy is dead. We raced over Gordon's Hill and through Wellsworth, where I heard a thudding noise coming from in front of us. We kept going till we were diverted into a siding at Crosby Station, where Neville yelled that there was a spider in his funnel. Neville's driver, Han Organa, shouted at me, telling me to run. I refused at first, worried about my friend, but he told me that it would be OK as he grabbed my shovel. As I ran for the station, BoCo rolled up with some coaches. I tried to tell him to run from the spider, but just as I got to the station, I heard a beeping sound coming from Neville. As I turned around, I saw the spider glowing rapidly, and I ran towards my engine, but by the time I tried to act, it was too late. The spider set off a chain reaction, blowing up itself and Neville.

 The spider set off a chain reaction, blowing up itself and Neville

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 17 ⏰

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