"Indigo, look at me," he says. I shake my head. "Please?"

Internally, I let out a groan. Why does he have to be so respectful? Why can't he lack manners and be ugly? Doesn't he know how big of an inconvenience that is?

I turn my head back to the side, facing him with a frown.

He's brought my desk chair to my bedside where he sits now. Concern is etched onto his face–his beautiful face–and it reminds me of the dream I had on Tuesday night.

His lips pull into a soft grin, but his eyebrows are still furrowed. "What's wrong?" His voice is gentle. So gentle. So gentle that it hurts me to listen to.

I wipe at the tears of my face and realize that I can't even remember why I'm sad. "I don't know."

He slightly swivels in the chair, grabbing one of the bowls off the desk. "Will you eat something?"

"I'm not hungry."

"When was the last time you ate?"

I try to think about it. I had some ginger ale this morning and a smoothie last night. Does that count?

"I had dinner last night," I tell him.

"Okay, sit up," he says. His voice is soft, but his words are still a command. "Just have a couple spoonfuls, alright?"

I only stare at him for a few seconds before flipping back over. His gaze instantly darts down to the floor, reminding me of why I was sad just a minute ago.

I frustratedly take the bowl from his hands before facing ahead and away from him. "If you're really that disgusted by my body, you can leave, Clancy. I can eat by myself."

His eyes widen when he looks back at my face again. "No, that's not–" He exhales a breath, smoothing out the features on his face. "I'm not disgusted by your body, Indigo. It's the opposite."

My jaw tightens. "That doesn't even make sense. You're avoiding looking at me like I'm a homeless person standing outside your car window."

"No..." he says slowly. "I'm avoiding looking at you like you're the sun. Two different things."

I give him a sidelong glance before letting out a sigh. "Whatever. At least eat your soup too so that I don't feel awkward."

He doesn't reply as I unpause part one of Breaking Dawn.


I don't remember falling asleep, but apparently I did, because I wake up to the sound of my door opening.

"Shh," Ezra hisses at the newcomer. "You're gonna wake her."

I lift a hand to my face, rubbing away the blurriness in my eyes.

"Too late for that," Lucas replies from my doorway. "My dad just wanted me to make sure she hadn't bit your head off."

"I might bite your head off for waking me up," I reply, but it comes out through a series of mumbles.

"You wouldn't be able to," my brother says.

I let out a sigh.

"Anyways," Lucas begins, "Don't let her hold you hostage. You don't have to stay in here if you don't want to."

"It's fine," Ezra replies.

My brother gives us a suspicious look then shrugs and leaves.

"You really don't have to stay," I say before turning onto my side, tucking my hands under the side of my face. "What were you even doing?"

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