Twenty Five

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I'm jogging. Running. Sprinting.

Away away away.

I don't know who's chasing me. I can't see him or her or it, but I know I need to run.

The bridge I'm on is stacked to the brim with cars, but I manage to dodge all of them. All the way at the end, there's a chapel, and somehow I know I need to get there.

If I get there, I'll be safe.

My chest is on fire, my calves sore, and I can not breathe. But I know I need to get to the chapel. I'm almost there, just a little more.

I'm almost there.

Almost there.



I jump the short height down from the bridge, onto the pavement. The door to the chapel opens somehow and I finally make it inside.

I straighten up and dust off my pants, but something is still wrong.

There is an open casket in front of all the pews, and somehow I know.

This is my funeral.

A man gets up from his pew, his sobs piercing the air like a dagger to my heart.

Those are my father's cries.

I find the power to run to him at the front of the church, but he doesn't see me. He doesn't even feel the way I throw my arms around his body, trying to calm his tremble.

"Dad, it's me," I whisper. "I'm here. I'm alive."

I look into the open casket.

It's empty.

And I know what I need to do.

"I love you, Dad," I whisper. "I love you so much."

He's still sobbing when I let him go and walk up to the casket. My casket.

I rest my hands on the wooden edge, accepting my fate. I'm not sure why, but I know that I have to do this. It's the only way.

I lift my leg up to get into the death trap, but that's when a new scream breaks through the silence.


It's Ezra.

My Ezra.

I straighten up and turn around. He's in a dark green suit. So green it would look black if it weren't for the sun streaming through the mosaic glass.

Relief washes over me as he runs towards me.

He can see me.

It's not long before he has me in his arms, peppering kisses all around my face. "My pretty girl," he says in desperation. "Don't leave again."

"I didn't choose this," I tell him.

"You did. You hurt yourself and now–" He gestures behind him at the pews. Pews full of people I recognize and love. They're all sad. All depressing and miserable. "You've hurt all of us."

"I didn't hurt myself," I tell him. "I wouldn't. Not if it caused this"

"That's the thing." He gives me a weary look. "You're responsible for all the monsters that come for you."

"That's not fair! If you can see me, bring me back to life."

He sighs, moving his hands to my shoulders. "I could only keep you alive for so long. This is on you now." So tenderly, he takes my face in his hands and presses a feather-light kiss to my lips. "Save yourself before you lose me too."

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