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I have just a few favorite places in this world. The library that's a ten minute walk from my house, the beach in Wilmington, North Carolina, and my bedroom.

The only thing that makes these places better is spending time there with the few people that don't drain me.

Like now.

Linh is reading in my grey, circular lounge chair that sits in front of my closet. I'm at my desk, finishing up my math homework, and Raina, Kiara, and Layla are sitting on my bed–which is to the left of me–watching some old cartoon.

I close my school laptop and spin around, taking in the sight that looks right out of a Pinterest board. Sometimes, I just feel so overwhelmed with love for my friends.

They're all beautiful–both inside and out.

Linh has an inhumane natural beauty, but more than that, she's one of the most hardworking and caring people I know.

Raina has the body of a model and soft, beautiful features, though my favorite part about her is the fact that she is so in tune with everyone's emotions.

Layla–who's parents are famous movie stars from France–is blonde with blue eyes and has that French beauty, but I love how times are never boring with her.

And Kiara has the prettiest smile known to man, as well as dark brown hair with purple streaks and bangs that are beginning to fall into her eyes. The most important trait of hers, though, is how selfless and kind she is.

"Are you finally done?" Layla asks, half-whining. "I'm dying with hunger over here."

"Kim, there's people that are dying," Linh imitates Kourtney Kardashian without looking up from the paperback in her hands.

People think she's got wisdom to last a lifetime because when she's not working or catching up on school, she's reading. But I know what actually goes on in those pages.

"We could probably order something," I say. "Let me ask my dad first."

Twenty minutes later, an order for two large pizzas–one pepperoni and one with ham and pineapple–is placed and our group is all crowded into my bathroom so we can do face masks together.

I personally like the ones that feel like ripping velcro off my skin, which is why I'm applying the black substance to my face while Layla and Kiara put on white sheet masks, and Raina and Lihn put on a clay, wash-off mask.

"Guys, I just had an idea," Raina says over Olivia Rodrigo's voice coming from my phone. "What if we had a listening party for Liv's new album when it comes out?"

We all look at her with our jaws dropped. "I think that's the best idea anyone's ever had," I say.

"And it'll be right before we lose Indi to her textbooks," Layla adds, dramatically putting the back of her hand on her head.

"Whatever," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Oh my goodness!" Kiara exclaims, pushing her purple streaked bangs out of her face. "We could dress up as vampires, get those plastic fangs, you know? For Vampire? And maybe we could–like–decorate even."

Linh excitedly nods and opens her mouth to say something, but the sound of the doorbell ringing stops her before she can.

"Must be the pizza," I say, scanning my face in the mirror. I'm almost done with putting the mask on, there's just an empty spot on my chin. "Someone should come with me."

"I'll be down once I'm done," Linh says while spreading some of the grey clay over her cheekbone. "You guys go, though."

With the three other masked girls following behind, I make my way down stairs. When I turn to enter the living room, I almost trip over Honey.

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