The 8 chosen camper's going to Jurassic Camp.

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So, as many months have passed by.

As the special kids selected to be given special passes have now been selected to go to the special Brain New adventure camp.

Serena won her trip mostly by dumb luck, she and the girls were out shopping and she had played a game, she chose to push her luck when these business guys were in front of the store and were calling people over to give it a spin, give it a roll, if you find the lucky golden ball you are the winner and get to go to the brain new state of the arts, Camp for Dinosaurs, it was for the new attraction and to bring in new people who have not seen the new restored Dinosaurs brought back to life.

So, each of the girls did give it a chance, but they were out of luck. The girls said what a rip-off. But the girls told Serena to pass on it. But she chose to give it a whirl, she had been struggling with her own relationship lately with her boyfriend, and her friends weren't much help either, but she chose to give it one more chance, and she rolled for the lucky golden ball.

As she listened to the spinning the tiny ball came out and dropped onto the little platter.

It was indeed the golden ball with the camp's logo on it. The man shouted out happily and screamed. We have a winner.

They congratulated her and said she had won all paid trips and they'd be paying for her airfare and board and even her own spot at the camp.

They told her not to waste time and to get back to them right away. She told her parents about it. they were so excited for her to win this trip, she had been wanting to see these big mighty Dinosaur her whole life, she had seen them as bones before, but this was different, she didn't do a lot of reading and studying but she knew a lot of facts about Dinosaur's but she's not a dino nerd.

So, that's how she got selected. Inuyasha reasons were out of his control, he didn't really care about Dinosaurs, in fact, he didn't even know much about them, but when his family was being blackmailed and threatened by some seriously Shady people who worked for Manticore to turn him over to the secret government and he'd be studied on, and in a lab for the rest of his life and as for the family protecting him they'd be punished, they'd be in serious trouble and would most likely lose their home.

Inuyasha made them an offer to do anything, just leave his family alone. But they all said they'd rather go down fighting than surrender to the likes of them.

But Inuyasha couldn't stomach it. Kagome said she was willing to sing like a bird. She would lay out all of his secrets.

So, Kagome was no help in this case, but she did dump him, and he knew she disliked him a lot right now, but this was bullshit.

So, Kagome's mother and Grandpa did try to fight for him. But Inuyasha was the one who approached the man and said please.

He'd do anything to make this secret go away, anything, just name it. Just leave them out of it, please. So, the Shady man smirked and said finally he was seeing things his way."

So, he gave Inuyasha a list of things to do, and a hard drive to copy files and to get dirt on the park that has made its island a success in bringing back Dinosaurs, he was to get samples. So, he agreed to go to the park.

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