Not Everybody Gets a Happy Ending (Stiles Stilinski)

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⚠️Warnings⚠️: mentions of death, sad.


Y/n hadn't been seen in forty-two hours.

Stiles watched his phone intently, begging for it to light up with a call from Scott saying that they found her and that she was safe. Or a call from y/n explaining why she hasn't been seen in forty-two hours.

Realizing that staring at the phone wasn't going to do anything, he started to pace again.

He jumped a little when his phone rang.
He ran to it, almost falling over in the process.

"Did you find her?" Stiles practically yelled into the phone.

"Not yet but we finally caught her scent. Argent and Derek are following it." Scott paused waiting for a reaction of some kind. When he didn't get so much as a sigh he asked, "How're you holding up?"

"We'll I'm just grand, Scott. I mean the love of my life is missing and no one has even been able to catch her scent until two minutes ago, but I'm just jolly."

There was a silence between the two boys as Stiles words settled into their hearts. Y/n was missing. She might not even be alive. When the hunter and the two wolves had caught her scent there was someone else's with hers. Someone they didn't know.

"Well, I better go help them. Don't worry Stiles, we'll find her." Scott assured before hanging up the phone.

Stiles sighed and put his head in his hands.

"What if she's dead?" Stiles couldn't help but think. I mean with everything going on it wouldn't be a surprise to find someone else dead. But the fact that that someone else would be y/n would break Stiles.

While sitting and waiting for another update, Stiles reminisced about all their memories together. Their first date, the first time they kissed, their annual movie nights they had so that they could feel some form of normality, and so many more.

"Please be ok" Stiles thought.


Riiiing Riiiiiing

Stiles jolts awake at the sound of his ringing phone. He quickly grabs it, answering the call.

"Scott? Did you find her? Is she ok? Is-"


"What? What's wrong?"

"We're getting her to the hospital as fast as we can but," Scott paused, taking a deep breath "she's lost a lot of blood. I-I don't think she's gonna make it."

"N-n-no. No! Don't say that. She has to- she h-has to be ok. I can't lose her. She has to be ok!" Stiles could feel the tears threatening to break through.

"Hey. Stiles. We're gonna try everything we can ok? Ok?" Scott tried to have a reassuring tone, but Stiles could still hear the fear in it.

"Ok," Stiles took a deep breath to calm himself "I'm heading to the hospital. Meet you there in ten."


Stiles stumbled into the hospital seeing Mrs. McCall waiting to take him to her room.

When they finally made it, he looked through the window to see the love of his life laying there, with a concerning amount of tubes in her.

The tears threatened to break through again, but he kept them at bay.

"She's not gonna make it is she?" He stared at y/n laying unconscious on life support, the heart monitor showing that her heart rate was dangerously slow. She had multiple bandages wrapped around her torso. Some of them already showing red patches from where the blood was seeping through.

Melissa looked at her son's best friend, sympathy evident in her eyes. Her heart broke for the little boy beside her. It wasn't easy to lose someone you love. Especially when they were as close as Stiles and Y/n where. You would hardly ever see one without the other. She looked back at the girl in the hospital room.

"There's a chance, but it's slim." Melissa finally answered.

He nodded. He knew that was the truth, but he hoped, he really hoped, that it looked worse, way way worse, than it was. But he knew that that wasn't the case.

Hearing footsteps, Stiles turned around to see Scott walking towards them with a solemn look on his face.

"I'll leave you two to talk." Melissa patted her son on the back and walked down the corridor to the elevator.

After a moment of silence had passed, Stiles looked from y/n to Scott. Only to find his best friend already looking at him.

"Do you remember when we met her for the first time?" Stiles asked.

Scott nodded, recalling the little girl with pigtails in her hair. She, having skipped a grade, had been new to the class. The two boys were the first friends she made.

"Yea. I do." Scott looked at his best friend in the hospital bed, then back at his other best friend.

"Gosh. She was so cute. I don't know how, but I knew when she walked in that classroom, that she was the one." Stiles said.

Scott chuckled. "She would think that was so cheesy."

"Heh. Yea." Stiles agreed.

"Gosh how are we gonna survive without her? We would probably have died numerous times by now if it weren't for her, even before all the supernatural happened."


After a few minutes Allison and Lydia rushed into the hallway. Both with tear stained faces.

They were silent as the two girls looked at their best friend.

"I'm sorry." The banshee choked slightly on a sob as she spoke the words.

"It's not your fault." Stiles reassured her.

"But i should've known! This is what i do! I predict death and give fore comings of it."

"Then maybe she's not going to die today; or anytime soon." Hope had creeped its way into Stiles. If Lydia didn't feel her dying, then surely that meant she wouldn't.

But the banshee just shook her head.

"No. I feel it now. She doesn't have much time left." She wasn't successful in holding back her cries this time; and neither was Stiles with his tears.

Scott and the two girls shared a quick glance and walked away, leaving Stiles alone with their friend. He walked towards the door and paused when his hand touched the cold metal of the handle. He took a deep breath and pushed it open. He spotted a chair beside the bed and walked over to it, sitting down carefully; as if a single sound would cause the machine showing her heart's rhythm to flatline.

The boy carefully reached over and grabbed his girlfriend's hand; gently grasping it in his.

"Please don't go." He spoke, but it was barely a whisper. "Please. No one thinks you'll make it. Prove them wrong like you always do. Like you always have. Prove everyone wrong. Please
Y/n. I need you."

He half expected the girls hand to turn warm again, and for her to open her eyes and look around at all the tubes sticking out of her in judgement. She'd say something snarky and Stiles would laugh. Then everything would go back to the way it was before, Stiles would be more worried than ever and he'd constantly annoy the girl by being too over protective, but at least she would be here with him.

But that didn't happen. If anything, her hand turned colder and her skin lost a little more of its pink flush. That scared the boy even more than when she went missing.

Stiles didn't know how long he sat in that chair, holding the love of his life's hand as it turned colder and colder. All he knew was that it wasn't until that dreaded beep was heard that he got up; but he didn't leave, instead he simply moved out of the nurse's way. He opted to stand in the corner, watching as they tried everything to get her back. But they knew, and so did he, that it was futile. She was gone.

And she wasn't coming back.

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