Jacob: Yeah, we played together, he slept a little bit, has been feed, got changed... He's a happy baby, right now.

Amanda: How was your meeting at Arsenal?

Y/n: Really good, it's all fine.

Amanda: Happy for you then.... Are you taking the twins back home?

Y/n: That wasn't planned... Does that bother you to look after the twins for the day?

Amanda: Obviously not, I'm happy to have my grandchildren at home.

Y/n: Fine, I'll let you deal with the two little demons, then. Thank you, Amanda... Bye Jacob.

Jacob: Bye, Y/n.

You drive back home, and go through your day alone, just relaxing and having some time for yourself, without the boys and Leah. Then, at the end of the day, you see Leah's car parking in front of the house. You go help her, and you take Jack out of the car.

Y/n: Hey, baby boy... so what happened? You've been crying, today...

Leah takes Lucas out of the car, you both head inside of the house with the twins. You feed them, get them changed, then you rock them and put them in bed. You get back downstairs, Leah has prepared dinner for both of you. You sit at the table and start eating with her.

Y/n: I signed....

Leah: Really?

Y/n: With the Barça...

Leah looks at you, speechless. She just stand up and start putting her shoes on, grabbing her keys.

Y/n: Leah... Hey...

She's not even looking at you. She just rushes outside towards her car.

Y/n: Hey, can you wait? Wait, please.

Leah stops, turns around and faces you.

Y/n: Hey... Look, it might be good for everyone to get away for a bit. The twins are so little. They won't really care. In Barcelona, the four of us, we could create a new life for ourselves. I need this. I haven't played for a while, I have to build back my career in the best possible way. Barça offers me this chance. All right? I thought I could have had that rebound with Arsenal. I really meant it, but I had time to think about it, and... I don't know. I need to rebuild myself as a player, as a professional football play. I mean, Barça is... it's really important to me.

You can see how disappointed Leah is about your behaviour. She just nods, but doesn't use words, not knowing what to say. Leah turns around and go straight to her car.

Y/n: Leah...

Powerless, you just watch her leave, couldn't do anything about it. You go back inside. You're out of emotions at this moment. You just head upstairs, you hear Lucas moving in his bed. You walk to his room, and kneel down to his cradler.

Y/n: Hey, my baby boy.

You start feeling the tears coming to your eyes, and you can't hold them on. You start crying, looking at Lucas. Suddenly, Jack is crying.

Y/n: I'm coming.

You spend the night between the two rooms, couldn't sleep after Leah's left. The next morning, you find yourself in Jack's room, exhausted of your night. You check your phone, nothing from Leah. You tried to call her, but it goes straight on her voicemail. You decide to call Beth.

Beth: Hey.

Y/n: Hey. Do you have news from Leah?

Beth: No news, why? What's going on?

Y/n: I signed a pre-contract with the Barça, yesterday. I told her, and... she left the house. I don't have news since then.

Beth: Don't worry, she's probably at her parents, now... I know Leah, she wouldn't miss a training session. I'll talk to her, later. Okay?

Y/n: Okay. Thanks.

Beth: Try to worry too much.

Y/n: I'll try.

You try to change your mind, but you're too much worried. You call Romeo to know if you can drop the twins at your parent's. You go get ready, you feed the boys, get them changed, get them dressed. Then, you put them in their car seat and head to your parent's. Romeo takes them inside, and look after them and you head to Leah's parents' house. You go knock at the front door.

Y/n: Hey. Leah is here?

Amanda: That's Y/n?

Jacob: Yeah.

Amanda: You fire her yet?

Y/n: What?

Jacob: Not yet.

Amanda: I'm serious, Jacob.

Jacob: Mom...

Y/n: Amanda

Amanda: You're out of the game, Y/n.

Jacob: She just went out the back.

Y/n: Thank you.

Jacob smiles, but you rush towards the back of the house, where you land on Leah who's about to go in her car. She seems really closed and cold to you.

Y/n: Hey! Hey. Hey. Leah, are we gonna talk about this?

Leah: Sure. Yeah. Communication is important in a relationship. Let's talk about this. The same way we talked about that contract, before you went signing without even asking me.

Y/n: No, no, I signed a pre-contract, though. And we-we did. I mean, I asked.

Leah: And I said no.

Y/n: Leah.

Once again, powerless, you watch Leah leaving, without couldn't do anything. You just go back home. On her side, Leah is heading to the Arsenal Training Centre. When she gets there, she parks and just sighs before getting out of her car. Leah goes inside and heads to the changing room. She sits at her place and just sighs, once again.

Beth: Is everything okay?

Leah: Not really. But I guess, you already know.

Beth: She called me this morning, she was completely freaked out.

Leah: I saw her. She came at my parents'... to try to talk about the Barça.

Beth: So?

Leah: I won't leave Arsenal... This is my home... I have everything here.

Beth: So you would let her go on her own?

Leah: If that's what she want...

Season 1: Leah WilliamsonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora