travel day

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FEBRUARY 6th, 2024

my day started like one that reminded me of back in the beginning of my pregnancy. nausea and vomiting. the two most perfect things to start off a long travel day.

it was around 4:30 on Sunday morning, one week from the Super Bowl. today was travel day for the team. Travis and I decided Morgan and I would head to Las Vegas at the same time as well to soak in as much time with Travis as possible. it's harder than you think being an NFL wife, you really don't get to spend as much time as you think with them. especially, during crucial times like Super Bowl week. of course we didn't want to "distract" Trav or anything, but Morgan loves her dad and it's going to be especially hard when I am currently 36 weeks pregnant.

yep, 36 weeks pregnant. i am bringing my OB just incase and have all of my suitcases packed if we were to need to go the hospital. i am really hoping that i don't go into labor during the game. i know Trav is already stressed about the game and the baby, so if i went into labor i think he might explode.

im bent over the toilet, hair in a (very) messy bun as im emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet. i hear Travis walking in and turn my head, my arm leaning on the toilet and my face leaning on my arm. voice raspy, he says, "oh honey." he comes over and kneels down and starts rubbing my back. "i don't even know why this is happening. morning sickness was supposed to go away awhile ago." i take a pause, "and what a great way to start the morning." i say, throwing up my arms. "it's alright, maybe you just caught a stomach bug or something. im sure you'll be fine. just get some rest." Travis says, placing a kiss to my forehead. he grabs my hand and lifts me up and guides me back into bed. before i know it, i am sound asleep.

when i wake up a few hours later, i notice no Travis on his side of the bed. so, i turn over to look at the clock. it reads 9:02 am. 9:02??? Morgan's usually way awake by now. but then, my mind puts together the pieces and i realize that Travis is probably up with Morgan.

i get up and throw a white fox hoodie on over my pajamas. i cross my arms as i head downstairs as it's pretty cold in the house. as i walk down the stairs i can see Morgan sitting on the counter in the kitchen and Trav standing right infront of her.

"hi, baby!" i say to Morgan. she looks over and smiles with the most adorable grin. "hi mommy!!" she says. "hi honey, how are you feeling?" Travis says as i put my hand on his cheek and give him a kiss. "yucky!!" Morgan says making us laugh, and before i can even reply to Travis. "am i not allowed to kiss daddy?" i say to her. "nah uh, that's yucky." she says. "you silly" Trav says, tickling her stomach. Morgan let's out a laugh.

"what are you guys up to?" i ask. "me and dada made waffles and bacon and eggs." M says. Trav was definitely not the best cook when we first met, but he's definitely improved, especially after having Morgan. "oh yummy." we all ate breakfast together and it was quite nice. no one was in a bad mood, which can sometimes be rare when you have a toddler and a women who's pregnant.

everyone got ready for our travel day. of course Travis is flying on the team plane and the rest of us on the jet but we are all pretty much leaving at the same time. the parking for private jets at LAS were already full/reserved, so our jet had to fly into LAX and we are going to drive to Vegas.

"alrighty, you ready to go on the plane M?" i say to Morgan. she is currently sitting on Travis's lap on one of the islands barstools while i get the final touches of the trip ready. "swoosh, swoosh." she says, pacifier in her mouth, making the noises of an airplane. "she's so cute." i tell Travis. "she sure is. we make one cute kid, Tay." he says and I smile. "how are you doing?" i ask him.

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