Chapter 24

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The sounds of the world faded from thought as the two gazed upon each other, their hearts seeming lighter and all earthly cares becoming non-existent. His hands gently held her face within their palms, and he observed her with a reverence that made her cheeks grow decidedly warm.

But as he would have moved closer to her, the door to the room was opened.

His hands left her instantly, the absence of his hands feeling like ice had replaced them, and the sensation made her heart twist at what could be compared to a rejection of her nearness. But she knew that they could not be seen close to one another, and when she finally found the courage to face the footmen, her cheeks flushed a darker shade of red at their curious glances.

But Lord Midrake hardly seemed affected as he regarded the men before gesturing to one in particular. "Go, fetch the Viscount some water. Leave it on the bedside table for when he wakes up. The rest of you return to the ballroom."

The men offered small bows of acknowledgement before rushing off to their respective duties, and the Marquis took a moment before returning his attention to the woman standing close and yet so far away from him. "I must return to my duties," he stated, his voice carrying throughout the quiet hall.

Cordelia nodded and glanced back to the door of the Viscount's temporary room. "I will return, but I would like to ensure he is at ease first."

The Marquis frowned at her words, and the dark expression, which she had now come to recognize as jealousy, returned. His lips thinned but he did not dissuade her. Instead, he nodded and reached for her hand. The sudden contact made her grow still as he raised her hand and offered a gentle kiss to the back of it.

He said no more but turned and walked down the hall briskly, leaving Cordelia with a galloping heart.

She cleared her throat before turning to face the guestroom door and pushed it open, eliciting a soft creak in the process. The fireplace had been lit, casting a warm glow about the room, and her gaze moved to the unconscious figure who lay sprawled out on the bed, snoring gently.

Her footsteps were light as she walked towards the bed and gazed upon the sleeping figure. It was difficult to decipher the colour of his skin with the change of light, but he seemed more at ease than he had been while awake.

The footmen had taken off his coat and shoes and placed the cover over him. He seemed quite comfortable, and after checking to see that he did not have a fever, she turned to exit the room only to hear footsteps which revealed none other than the Dowager.

She was dressed as elaborately as always, but concern was etched on her face as she looked upon Cordelia. "Oh, my dear Miss Sutton. I heard of the unfortunate news. Is he quite all right?"

Her consideration shocked Cordelia to such a degree that it took her a few seconds to find a response. "He seems more comfortable now, but we will only know once the doctor has been sent for."

"The poor dear. You must have had quite a shock. Here, come and drink some sugar water. It will certainly bring the colour back to your cheeks," she stated as she gestured for a maid to enter with a glass jug, cup and small dish of sugar.

"Thank you, Your Ladyship, but I do not think it is quite necessary."

"No, please, I insist. I cannot have you fainting on us as well," she stated as the maid placed the tray down near the bedside table.

Cordelia watched her pour a generous amount of water into the cup before adding a teaspoon of sugar and stirring it vigorously. She cringed a little at the loud sound but said nothing except a small appreciation as the cup was given to her.

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