Chapter 14

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"You seem disgruntled, Alicia," Lord Midrake enquired as he watched his cousin enter the house after her rather short visit to her friend, Miss Sutton.

He had not been back to see her since that afternoon, and he had loitered about the house in a discrete attempt to hear any news of her health when his mother's young ward returned.

She looked at him and sighed as she removed her bonnet. "Poor Cordelia is in the thick of things at the moment."

His concern grew. "What happened?"

"Her brother is causing quite the disturbance, and she is not taking it well."

"Where is she at present?"

"Still at home. She is rather weak. I tried to take her for a walk in the garden, but her brother and the Countess had an argument and it tired her greatly. It is a pity. I am certain she would have enjoyed the fresh air and sunshine."

Lord Midrake nodded, his eyebrows dipping in thought.

"Anyway," Alicia sighed. "I best make ready for Lady Strauss."

She moved across the entrance foyer to the staircase, leaving the Marquis alone. If she had remained, she would have noticed the concerned expression on his face, followed by a peculiar lighting of his eyes when he thought of an idea that he would put into place immediately.

* * *

Cordelia was quiet as she sat on a soft couch placed in her room. The warm sun cast its rays through her opened drapes as she gazed upon the splendid sight of her aunt's back garden. She would have loved to have had a short walk, but the unexpected presence of her brother had sapped any energy she may have had.

She had hoped her situation would not have come to this: a situation where she would have to choose between family.

A heavy sigh left her lips as she leaned her head against the cushion behind her.

There was a knock at her door, and she called for her nurse to enter, assuming that it was her. But the heavy footfalls that entered instantly made her aware of the fact that it was certainly not Martha.

She looked over her shoulder towards the door quickly, and her expression became one of startled surprise when she noticed that it was the Marquis who entered. She hastily ensured that her shawl was adequately draped over her shoulders before she stood and faced him, offering him a small curtsy.

"My apologies, Lord Midrake. I was not expecting you," she said, her gaze lowered to stare at his superbly polished boots.

"I am aware," he responded, his low voice easily filling her room with the sound. "I trust you are feeling better?"

Her cheeks flushed that endearing shade of red. "I am still a little weak, but I am feeling much better. Thank you."

"I am pleased to hear it. Perhaps you would feel strong enough to accompany me for a drive in the Park?"

His invitation surprised her, causing her gaze to snap to his in a mixture of alarm and shyness. "A drive with you?" she asked slowly, thinking she may have misheard.

The Marquis nodded and shifted on his feet, suddenly feeling a little awkward. "Yes, it will be a short one. I wanted to test a new pair of bays, and I thought you might want to join. Should you feel too unwell, I will return you home immediately."

There was a softness to his gaze that made her relax, and she could not help but recall the many times in the past when he had taken her for a drive in the Park. It had been one of their favourite pastimes. And the fact that he was intent on her joining him made her feel a sense of nostalgia for the rose-tinted past.

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