Odd Couple

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Summer pov.

I, Manny, and Sid had woken up about half an hour ago. Through all this time we just kept walking and I still got annoyed. 'Why?' you wonder. Because Sid doesn't know how to shut up.

"And, she picked a hair off my shoulder and said, "Look, if you're gonna have an extra mating dance, at least pick a female with the same color pelt, right?" And I thought, 'whoa, she's gonna go praying mantis on me." Do you know what I'm saying?", and Sid kept telling the story.

"Hey, if you find a mate in life, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful. Now, get away from us!", snapped Manny.

I was walking next to Manny and we both froze. We saw a human in the river.

"Well, I think mating for life is stupid, and there are plenty of Sid goes around here.", Sid said that he bumped into Manny, who was also standing frozen. " Manny? Summer?".

Then Sid saw the woman in the river, and he also froze. I squinted my eyes to look at the woman. 'Oh mammal' I thought.

"Nadia?", I asked as I walked towards her. Of course, I knew that humans don't understand. As I was now standing in front of her, she looked at my ocean eyes, and then her gaze traveled to the feathers on my head. 'I knew she'd remembered me' I thought. Nadia's eyes filled with hope as she pushed a puddle to me. I grabbed the hem of it with my teeth and dragged it towards me. Sid then walked next to me and looked at me. I then looked at the puddle and saw a human baby. I internally gasped. Nadia was pregnant. And this is her son, Roshan, I think.

I looked from Roshan to Nadia. I felt tears threatening to spill. Nadia was like a mother to me. And she is gone.

"She's gone.", said Sid sadly. Then Manny turned around and started to leave. "Hey, Manny. Manny, aren't you forgetting something?", asked Sid.

"No", answered Manny. 'How could he say that? He knows that I used to visit humans.' I thought.

"But Summer just saved him.", stated Sid. "Yeah, well, we're still trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. Let's go, Summer."

"Manny!", I exclaimed. "This baby's name is Roshan and his mother is Nadia. Roshan's father, Runar, is probably searching for his wife and his son."

"How do you know all of this?", asked Sid. "It's a long story.", I answered.

"Anyways, we can't leave him here.", as Sid said that, he looked at the top of the hill. "Look, there's smoke! That's his herd right up the hill. We should return him.", after Sid said that, Manny got right into his face.

"Let's get something straight here. Okay? There is no "we". There never was a "we". In fact, without me, it wouldn't even be a "you"!", stated Manny.

"Just up the hill.", Sid murmured. "Listen very carefully, I'm... not... going.", said Manny while mouthing the words with his trunk.

"Fine, be a jerk. I'll take care of him.", Sid said while walking away. 'This I gotta see' I thought.

Sid walked near the hill, looked up, and then at us. Manny then motioned him to climb. After a few tries, Sid started to climb. And just as I thought that he was actually gonna do it, he tripped but didn't fall.

"You're an embarrassment to nature, ya know that?", asked Manny at which I snickered.

"This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine.", Sid said while smiling through fear. After a while, I saw Roshan slipping out of Sid's hold. I and Manny walked towards the hill. Roshan then was hanged on Sid's leg.

"MANNY!", Sid screamed. "Manny, catch him!", as I said that, Roshan started falling. I was panicking like never. Manny raises his trunk ready to catch him, but someone does it before him. And that someone is a...saber-tooth?

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