The Start

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It was a freezing day. It's cold even for mammals with a lot of furs. If adults are extremely cold, then what happens to cubs? Here's what a saber-tooth tiger cub is doing.

"Get that cub!" ordered an adult saber-tooth tiger. Four tigers started chasing the little female cub. The poor little thing didn't know what she did wrong, but she still ran as fast as she could. Wonder where are her parents, and siblings. Unfortunately, they were killed by a saber-tooth pack.

The cub ran and ran, till she reached a cliff. She looked down and saw a huge amount of snow. The cub heard low growls behind her and slowly turned around. Behind her were standing four tigers, ready to 'harm' her. Poor cub started whimpering.

"Ooh, what? You going to start crying?" all of them laughed "Pathetic". While the Tigers were talking, the cub found a stupid solution. 'I'm gonna jump off the cliff' thought the cub. There's snow at the end, it should make her fall softer.

The saber-tooth tigers started walking closer to the cub. The little one gave one last glance to them. She closed her eyes and jumped off the cliff. She felt herself fall and fall, till she disappeared in the snow. The cub opened her eyes and somehow managed to get out of the snow.

~Time Skip~

The female cub was walking for what seemed like hours. Icicles were hanging from her little fangs. Soon the cub spotted a cave and she immediately went towards it. As she was at the entrance, she fell into the cave. The cub removed the snow from her fur and curled into a ball to keep herself warm. But who are we kidding? The girl was shaking.

"Hello." said a boyish voice. The saber raised her head and saw a mammoth cub. He was a little bit bigger than her and had dark brown fur. His eyes were dark brown, beautiful eyes.

"Umm...Hi" said a saber-tooth female cub. "Mind if I crash here?" asked a mammoth.

"No, not at all. But I'm a saber, aren't you afraid of me?"

"Why should I? You're still a cub, just like me."

"Mmhmm." hummed the saber. Then here it is, the awkward silence. The girl was still shaking from cold and a mammoth too. And both of them know that if they sleep next to each other, it will be warmer.

"Oh," said the mammoth "I'm Manfred by the way."

The saber smiled. "Nice to meet you and my name is Summer."

"That's an interesting name. Quite the opposite of what we're seeing", as mammoth said that, Summer chuckled. The saber started shaking again and the same happened to the mammoth cub. Manfred then stood up and went next to Summer. And they snuggled.

The sight was cute, yet rare. Not every day you see a predator and a herbivore together in the same cave. But at that exact moment, Manfred and Summer knew that they wouldn't separate any time soon. They will grow up together and have a brother-sister relationship.

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