New Companion

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Summer pov.

Not much has happened since I and Manfred met. Just some things: I met with humans, brother-sister relationship with Manfred, I got an earring, I got my heart broken (that was a long time ago, I'm okay now.), and also I found out that I'm part jaguar. Wicked, right?

Recently I was sitting on a tree and watching mammals walk by. How stupid are they to not notice me? 'Where the heck is that mammoth?' I thought. I then heard kids whining, I turned to the side and saw kids covered in something black.

"Help! Help!" kids started calling for 'help'. They are playing, I can even smell that.

"Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's movin'." said their dad, as I suppose.

"But, but, but dad." reproached the kids. Thought that it was their dad.

"No buts. You can play extinction later." extinction? Really?

"Okay. Come on, guys." as the kids said that, I climbed off the tree.

"Extinction? Sounds fun." I said when kids started walking by.

"Really?" asked one of them, all excited.

"Yeah. Wonder how that would be for real?" I asked them again. When I saw their father coming our way.

"Stop that. C'mon kids, don't talk to predators." said the adult. I rolled my eyes and sat down to wait for Manfred.

"Oh my god. A saber!" a female shouted while walking by and...started running.

"Oh pinch me!" I shouted sarcastically back at her. When I heard other mammals complaining to someone. Finally, he's here.

"Look out! Look out!" "You're going the wrong way!" "Not that way!" "Crazy mammoth."

Manfred didn't care what he was causing. 'That's the spirit' I thought. He had a grumpy expression and walked forward. When he spotted me, he gave me a small smile. I smiled back at him.

"HEY! DO THE WORLD A FAVOR: MOVE YOUR ISSUES OFF THE ROAD!!!" 'What? That's the same dude?' I thought. I then started walking towards them. I noticed that after he said that, Manfred's expression changed back to grumpy.

"If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal", said Manfred as he got into the mammal's face. I now stood next to Manfred and said "Yeah, what he said.".

"Hey, g-give me a break. We...We've been waddlin' all day.", just as he said that I and Manfred glanced at his family.

"Oh, go ahead", said the mammoth. He was about to say something else, but I interrupted. "Follow the crowd. It'll be quieter when you're gone. C'mon Fred, let's go."

I then started walking with Fred behind me.

"Nice.", said Manfred. "Obviously.", I said back with sass.

We were walking in silence for a while, it was a comfortable silence. As we walked by the tree, I grimaced.

"What's wrong?", asked Fred. Gosh, how I like this caring side of him.

"I don't know. I just...smell something. But I don't know if it's poop or a mammal.", as I said that I heard Fred chuckle.

"Well then, let's hope that we don't meet that mammal.", I hummed in response at that.

~Time Skip~

I and Fred are now on the hill. We looked down, it was pretty high. And I know that we both won't definitely walk around it.

Ice Age//Diego x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن