Chaprer 16

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(End of day 2)

We did it Kuro we all made it to the semifinals

Yep good job Akari

Aren't you excited Arashi

Huh oh yeah it's just he made it


He's tough you be careful tomorrow Akari

Will do

(The next day)

Welcome it's now time for the semifinals of our 4th floor tournament

(Crowd cheers)

For our first match today we our first floor tournament runner up against our first floor tournament champion todays rounds are gonna be something to watch

(Crowd cheers as Arashi and Kuro walk out)

No holding back this better be a better fight then last time

You got it


(Both Arashi and Kuro leap forward immediately locking swords)

Better keep up with me this time don't want another defeat to me

Oh this time will be different

(Both back off staring each other down)

Well if you ain't gonna move then I will

Bring it

(Kuro runs past Arashi to distract him then goes for an attack from behind)

Knew it

(As Kuro goes for and attack on Arashi's back Arashi manages to block it by putting his sword between him and Kuro's attack)


(Flashback starts. Shows past blocks from Arashi. Flashback ends)

Nice block

Yea I know

(Both clash swords over and over the finally locking swords again)

I'll say you really have gotten stronger

Aw you think so that's sweet

(Both back off again)

Prove to me you've grown by surviving this

Are you

(Kuro takes the stance for his 4 hit combo attack)

Get ready Arashi, here I come

(Kuro leaps forward)

(Arashi's thoughts)
I have to get out the way no I won't have time I have to block it I need to at least block two hits ok I can do this

(Kuro goes for the first hit which is a slash at a downward angle)

(Arashi's thoughts)
Ok I can block this and then get out the way canceling his attack here we go

(Arashi moves his sword upward hoping to block Kuro's attack)

(Arashi's thoughts)
Come on I got this

(Arashi manages to block Kuro's strike in time then jumps away not allowing Kuro to continue the attack)

Wow you really have grown but can you keep that up

(Kuro goes for another 4 hit combo)

(Arashi's thoughts)
Wait what since when is he able to do that move twice in a row like this, we'll I guess that makes since not only are me and Akari getting stronger but Kuro is to, alright I have to block this like last time

Did you seriously think I was gonna let you block me twice

(All the sudden Kuro slash down speeds up going around the block and lands a straight slash)

How did you

(Arashi fell to the ground Kuro then goes over and helps him up)

Kuro is the winner

Dude how'd you do that that was sick

(Kuro laughs)

You'll figure it out one day

(Kuro and Arashi walk out the arena and go to get healed up)

Kuro Arashi that was so cool y'all are so strong

Thanks all though I barely won

Na with that speed of yours I could almost never even make contact


Well gotta go now

Good luck

Hey Akari wait, be careful he's stronger then he seems

Will do

(In the arena)


Your friends with that overconfident kid aren't you

Yea so what if I am

Tell me are you as strong as he is


Because I need someone stronger


I need stronger

(Youkai runs toward Akari with an evil laugh)

Ah, what the hell

Come on are you stronger

(Youkai laughs, in Arashi's medical room)

Kuro you don't have to stay in here go watch your girls match

Na it's all good she knows I'm cheering her on

Yea your right

Hm did you hear that

Hear what

(Akari faintly)

That was




(Kuro leaves as fast as he can and gets out to the arena)


(Kuro gasps in shock seeing Akari laying on the ground unconscious and hurt badly)


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