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Byn's POV

"Okay, what's the matter with you?" Uma asked as she walked into my room.

After I left James' place I called her, and told her to come over. Which was already a red flag to how I was feeling. It was a Saturday and I wasn't working. Then I told her to bring burgers and fries...even worse.

I was laid out on my bed and I just stared at the ceiling. Going over the conversation with Luna, and how a beautiful fun day went to shit. She set all the things down on my desk, before crawling into the bed and laying beside me, facing me.

"I have to tell you something. And I know you're going to be pissed that I didn't tell you earlier."

"Goddess, you're scaring me Byn." I sighed and covered my eyes. Here goes nothing.

"I met my mate, and it's a guy. And not just any guy, it's James the Golden Boy." I went silent as I waited for a response, for anything actually. Any noise, any sound. But she was silent. I didn't even know she was breathing.

"You met your mate...and you haven't told me?!" She yelled and I rolled over and covered her mouth, not needing her to let Maria or Roberto know she was here. 

"I was processing okay! I just--" I groaned in frustration at my inability to express my emotions. 

"What's going on Byn?"

"Nothing, bad. The problem is...I like him, a lot already. But today it was made glaringly obvious just how different he and I are. Especially when it comes to our families."

"What do you mean?"

"I met the Luna today," I sighed, "And it didn't go well. And I might have let it slip about the last remaining founding families..." Uma let out the biggest gasp and she was leaning over me within seconds.

"You what? Bynjamin Flotrey!"

"I know, shut up! I fucking know." I whispered as I put my hand around her mouth. 

Letting that slip was the worst thing I could have ever done. It was the reason why, Uma, Sun and I were all so close. Our families were the first ones to settle in these lands, hundreds of years ago. My ancestors built this pack from the ground up. Even in the town hall, there are pictures of them, but because we don't look like how the leader of the pack looks now...it's been erased. 

My family has been trying for years to get our place back in the council. To live a life free of financial burden. And so has Uma's family, and so has Sun's family. Maybe my being mated to the alpha is the goddesses' way of righting a wrong. I had to say something...it's good that I did. Right...?

"Why would you do that? We've been handling it! What if we get our parents in trouble?"

"They aren't going to get in trouble!"

"How do you know? How the fuck do you know that Byn?"

"Because I trust my mate!" I hissed out, and Uma had a slow smirk grow across her face at my response.

"Oh," Her smirk got wider as she leaned away, "I see."

"What? What the hell is that?"

"What's what?" She shrugged and got off the bed and walked to fix her hair in the mirror.

"This change of attitude, why'd you stop pestering?"

"I didn't peg you for being a dummy, Byn. I stopped because you went full-on defensive, and territorial. Which means you actually care for the guy. But not only that, you believe him. And that's saying something 'cause you're the least trustworthy person I know."

Desperate Times--A novellaWhere stories live. Discover now