Part 3

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Chapter 21

A week had passed since the tragic destruction of Planet Tarble, and in the throne room of Planet Vegeta X, Nappa and the Saiyan council convened to address the myriad challenges facing their race. The atmosphere was heavy with the weight of loss and the uncertainty of their future.

One council member brought up the concerning news that all the ships had returned from the evacuation of Planet Tarble except for one. The missing ship was last known to carry a low-class Saiyan named Turles, along with a few Ork and human conscripts. The possibilities of the ship being lost or the crew going AWOL were considered, casting a shadow of worry over the assembly.

The council then shifted their discussion to the recent battle and Vegeta's condition. It was reported that Vegeta was still recuperating in the Medical Machine after his intense fight. The council expressed their admiration for Vegeta's bravery and the hope that he would make a swift recovery.

Concerns were also raised about losing contact with some of their trading partners. The council was disturbed by the silence and the potential threat it posed to their resources and alliances. Additionally, they discussed the transmission received from the two low-class Saiyans who were sent to deliver the relic to the Aeldari. The council was troubled by the lack of further communication and decided to dispatch a ship with two Saiyan elites to investigate the matter, ensuring that they would get to the bottom of the mysterious silence.

Preparations for King Vegeta's return were also on the agenda. The council outlined plans to welcome their king, ensuring that everything would be in order for his homecoming. They discussed the need to present a united and strong front to bolster the morale of their people and solidify their leadership.

Lastly, Nappa and the council pondered over a future test for certain Saiyans, specifically mentioning Raditz, Toma, and Maima. They considered a special mission or challenge that would test their abilities, loyalty, and potential for growth. The idea was to harness the talents of these Saiyans and prepare them for the challenges that lay ahead in securing the future of the Saiyan race on Planet Vegeta X.

The meeting adjourned with a sense of resolve. Despite the uncertainties and the losses they had faced, Nappa and the Saiyan council were determined to rebuild, to strengthen their race, and to face whatever threats might emerge from the shadows of the galaxy.

In the dimly lit room where the medical machine hummed with life-sustaining energy, Tarble stood silently, his hand resting against the cold, transparent surface of the device that encased his brother. His thoughts were a whirlwind of concern and admiration. "Vegeta has always pushed beyond his limits... but at what cost?" he wondered, the weight of worry evident in his furrowed brow. Despite the fear that gnawed at him, Tarble couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride for Vegeta's unmatched courage and strength.

Suddenly, the machine's steady hum shifted, signaling a change. Vegeta's eyes flickered open, and with a strength that seemed to defy the ordeal he had just endured, he stepped out of the medical machine. Tarble's eyes widened in a mix of relief and astonishment. "Vegeta!" he exclaimed, his voice a mixture of joy and disbelief. The worry that had clung to him evaporated in the presence of his brother's resilient spirit.

Vegeta, standing tall and free from the confines of the medical machine, looked down at his hands, a small smile playing on his lips. Memories of the fierce battle against Khârn flooded his mind—the clash of titans, the push beyond his limits, and ultimately, his victory. In that moment of reflection, Vegeta realized the true extent of what he had gained from the battle. Not only had he secured a victory against a formidable foe, but he had also received a Zenkai Boost, a surge in power that Saiyans obtain after recovering from near-fatal injuries.

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