Part 2

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Chapter 11

As the Saiyans celebrated their hard-won victory with exuberance and joy, filling the air with the sounds of revelry and the scent of feasting, Prince Vegeta remained conspicuously absent from the festivities. His thoughts were elsewhere, preoccupied with the future and the potential threats that loomed on the horizon. Nappa, ever observant, noticed Vegeta's distant demeanor and approached him with concern. "What's on your mind, Vegeta?" he inquired, but Vegeta, without a word, walked away, his steps leading him to the library of the old Saiyan historian, Cucumb.

Cucumb, surrounded by ancient scrolls and texts, stood to greet his prince with a bow. "Prince Vegeta, what an honor. How may I serve you today?" he asked, his voice echoing slightly in the vast chamber of knowledge.

Vegeta, cutting straight to the point, asked about the Great Ape form and whether there were other forms or power-ups available to Saiyans. Cucumb's eyes sparkled with intrigue at the question. With a knowing smile, he spoke of the legend of the Super Saiyan, a mythic figure of immense power, long considered a mere tale among Saiyans. Yet, Vegeta's interest deepened, prompting him to inquire what might happen if a Legendary Super Saiyan had mastered the Great Ape form.

Cucumb speculated that such mastery could potentially unlock a Saiyan's true form, a state of power that went beyond the known transformations. He then shared the story of Broly, a Saiyan with the unique ability called "Wrathful," which allowed him to harness the power of the Great Ape while remaining in his humanoid form. This piece of history caught Vegeta's attention, the concept of accessing such raw power without losing oneself to the beast within was intriguing.

Vegeta's reaction was one of intense curiosity and a hint of excitement. The possibilities that Cucumb laid out before him opened new avenues of strength to explore, potential that could prove crucial in the battles to come.

Cucumb, observing Vegeta's interest, asked him why he sought this knowledge. Vegeta, however, chose not to reveal his thoughts, merely thanking Cucumb for the information before departing.

As Vegeta walked towards the training room, lost in thought about his recent battle and the ominous message from Khorne about sending Khârn after him, Tarble intercepted him. "Where are you going? The celebration is out here," Tarble said, trying to draw his brother back to the festivities. Vegeta, however, barely acknowledged him, his mind racing with thoughts of the future, of potential power, and the threats that awaited.

Tarble watched his brother's retreating back, a mix of concern and confusion in his eyes. It was clear to him that Vegeta was burdened by something far greater than the victory they had just achieved. As Vegeta disappeared into the training room, Tarble was left to ponder what could possibly weigh so heavily on the prince's mind, even in the aftermath of such a triumphant victory.

A week had passed since the Saiyans' resounding victory against the Imperium of Man, and the atmosphere within the palace of Planet Tarble was one of calm determination as the Saiyans continued to strengthen their defenses and prepare for any future threats. Tarble, with a sense of purpose, entered the throne room, seeking his brother. "Where's Vegeta?" he asked, looking around the room filled with Saiyan warriors and strategists.

Nappa, who was standing amidst a group of Saiyan elites, turned to address him. "Vegeta's in training. He's been pushing himself harder than ever and has asked not to be disturbed," Nappa replied, his tone indicating the seriousness of Vegeta's request.

Tarble's reaction was one of mild frustration mixed with understanding. "Still, always the warrior," he muttered under his breath, knowing all too well his brother's relentless pursuit of strength.

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