Chapter 7: Burning Desire

Start from the beginning

We talked a bit before the food came out. She told me more about Australia when she was growing up, and her interests. I told her about my some of my private school experiences and why I dropped out of uni.

"I wanted to go to uni... but my career was already in front of me. Sorta felt forced not to go", she said, sounding sad about the fact, but also a positive behind it.

Our food comes out, and smells freaking delicious! Holy shit I've never seen taster looking pizza before in my life. We ate it super fast as it tasted so good, and she wasn't completely embarrassed by eating with her hands- like other girls I've met have been. She seems chill, not overly bothered by what others think, but still looks gorgeous every damn second.

Once we finished our dinner, we ordered a second round of drinks, or more like three rounds in one. We did a few shots, and then she wanted a watermelon mojito.

The night was really fun. We did shots and laughed together like friends, but shared glances and flirtatious remarks like lovers.

"Mhh, what's the time?", she asks as she takes a final sip of her drink.

"Uh about 10:35", I say while looking at my watch.

"Oh okay, did you wanna go? I didn't know if you had something on tomorrow?", she says, placing her glass down on the table.

"Yeah, we can leave", I say, knowing I have to film two videos tomorrow.

"Cool, I'm gonna go pay", she says, holding her bag and jacket in her hands.

"I'll be outside", I say, getting up and walking to the entrance.

Jade's pov

I payed for the meal and thanked the ladies who run the bakery before I leave.

I push the heavy door open and mother cold breeze hit me in the face.

"Shitting hell!", I say, dropping my bag on the floor and putting my jacket on. As I pick up my bag, I turn to Simon who is just laughing.

"What?", I say in a low tone.

"You're funny", he says. My whole body heats up.

"Thanks", I say with a sweet smile.

"I-I have to take the train to get back, and the last one runs at... like 11, so...", he mumbles on.

"Oh, I can drive you", I say, excited to have him in my car and possibly see the Sidemen mansion.

"Are you sure? It's a long drive and you'd still have to drive back", he says. Nothing he says is gonna make me not do this.

"It's fine, I'd like to finally see where you live, as you have seen my apartment many times", I say.

"Okay, if you say so", he says as we start walking towards my car. Good thing I only parked a minute away.

We get in the car. Feels weird that we're on opposite sides. He tells me the address and I get my phone to direct me. The drive there was chill, but annoying that I had to drive in the dark.

"Just turn in here", he says calmly.

I turn into the driveway of this beautifully big mansion. I notice that there's about four other cars scattered around the gigantic driveway, including Simon's. I park, we get out of the car and we walk towards the front door.

"Holy shit, how do you live here?", I say, having seen it in his videos before, but never knew how big it was in person.

"I live with four other guys, we manage", he jokes as he gets his keys out to open the door. I step into the large open room, with a spiral staircase that goes up three levels and glossy tiled floors.

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