Chapter Eleven

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I woke up to the sound of Kyle throwing up in the toilet. I rushed out of bed and to him. I held him by the shoulders while I watched the life soak out of him. It made me want to cry but I wasn't going to do it in front of him. He sat back up and looked at me.
"I'm sorry you have to go through this baby." I crouched down on my knees in front of him.
"I'm yours forever and I don't care how much pile I have to clean up I just want to spend your remaining time left with you." He smiled and pulled me in tight for a hug. His mouth was on my neck and I could feel his breath tingling against my neck. I never expected our time to be so short together. When you fall in love with someone you want to give them the world and give them your three hundred and sixty five days out of the year. I didn't even have that with Kyle. He wasn't going to be able to see our child grow up and experience the joy of being a father. It broke my heart for him.
"Destiny. I made an arrangement for us to go and get eloped this weekend." I smiled as a single tear fell down my cheek. He wiped it away then lifted my chin.
"What's wrong baby?" A lot of things were wrong right now. I had to sit back and tolerate this unfair disease that is killing my fiancé.
"I just can't wait to be your wife." He smiled and pressed his lips onto mine. I couldn't believe there was a limited time to how many more times I would be able to kiss him.
It was Saturday and we were going into the courthouse for a small wedding ceremony. I picked out a white mini summer dress to wear and curled my hair to make myself look a little nicer. I walked out of the closet and found Kyle in a dress shirt and dress pants. He was admiring my dress.
"You look so beautiful. I'm gonna have some fun with you tonight." I laughed and walked over to the sink to put on some of his favorite perfume. He crept up behind me and pulled my dress up to reveal my black panties.
"Like the choice of panties. Black is a sexy color." I laughed and turned around. I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked deep into his eyes.
"You ready Mrs. Johnson?" I smiled at that comment. I was about to take his name. I was about to be his wife.
"I'm ready if you are." He smiled then picked me up and spun me around. I giggled but was also a little nervous. His strength would never be the same again. He couldn't do things like he used to. His days were limited and each day he became more and more weaker.
He walked me out to the car and opened my door for me. He helped me into the truck and shut the door. I felt beautiful today. I didn't care about having a big wedding, I just wanted to be his wife.
We arrived at the courthouse and we walked inside together. They took us in a private room and did the small little ceremony. Kyle reached into his pocket for something and pulled out a box. It was a ring box and inside was a beautiful diamond he picked out. I put my hand over my mouth and admired the beautiful piece of work he picked out for me. He was so amazing in every way.
We were finally married and he kissed me right there in front of the judge and I was his wife now. I was a wife which was something that I never expected. I didn't expect to find love again after all I'd been through let alone get married. It was the most perfect day with the most perfect man.

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