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"No matter what she says, be confident okay? You are my future husband now, no one can hurt you" Taehyung whispered into youngers ear as they entered the mansion but jungkook didn't pay any attention

He was too amazed by the beauty of the house. He knew taehyung was rich, but not that rich

He always hoped that one day he would have a privilege to walk inside with everything bowing at him. And now it finally happened

It wasn't a house. It was palace

"Taehyung this place...it's per-"

He yelped when he heard a crushing sound cutting him off. He finally stop admiring the walls and looked at front. A big frown on his face when he noticed all the Maids staring at him with wide eyes

Or more like his hand which Taehyung was holding little too confidently

He gulped and immediately let go of olders hand. He slid his hands in his pockets awkwardly and tried to smile


He cursed himself for stuttering in front of damn Maids

"Um I'm jung-"

"Don't you guys have anything to do expect from staring at him?" Tae hissed "out of me sight now!" He yelled and all of them run in the kitchen

Jungkook chuckled

"You really have a effect on them don't you? But you know you can't really blame them, the way you were-"


"What?" Younger asked with a confused face, staring at him without a clue they were still not alone

"Jungkook!" Taehyungs voice got more tensed

"For God's sake what!"

Older took a deep breath and pointed his finger at something. Jungkook followed the direction and gasped in horror when he saw taehyungs wife as well as his beloved daughter

The look on the girls face made him feel awful. The puffy eyes and heartbroken look was too much for him

"Daddy" the girl cried "is it true? You are leaving us?"

Taehyung sighed deeply and opened his arms for his daughter. "Pumpkin, come here"

he smiled and the girl immediately run to his arms, sobbing uncontrollably "Please dad, please don't leave us. You swore you would never abandon me! You shouldn't broke your promise"

Jungkook watched in horror as older began to calm the girl down. He couldn't dare to look at his mother from shame

It was all his fault. He was too selfish but it was too late to go back now

"Baby, you know I will never ever leave you, but me and your mother no longer love each other. You want us to be happy right? And think about your younger brother or sister-"

"No! I don't want a sibling, I don't want that man to steal you!" The girl scremed

Tae kicked his lips and looked at jungkook with pleading eyes. He tightly wrapped his arms around the girl and hugged her tighter

"Shh baby sshhh....how about to sleep now hmm? And we would discuss this later"


Tae clenched his fist and forcefully pulled away from the hug. He fake smiled and called the maid

"Put her to sleep and give her some milk, I don't want to hear another cry for next three hours. Fail to entertain her and you are fired"

He said coldly and took jungkooks hand while the girl screamed, crying

"Let me take you to my room, you must be tired hun" he whispered but an frustrated voice stopped him

"You are ready to upset your daughter because of him?! Did you really stood that low? What have he done to you!!"

The woman, apparently taehyungs wife yelled, glaring at jungkook with murder in her eyes

"We will talk about this later" tae glared back and kissed caressed kooks tummy lovingly "come on love"


"So this is my room" tae said with a small smile and threw his coat on the chair "do you like it? Or perhaps this is our room from now on"


"What?....you don't like it?"

"Uh no...but this room...is it your wife's too?"

Jungkook asked making tae chukle "no of course, don't you listen when I talk? We don't share a room for 5 years now" Older smiled and pushed jungkook on the bed

"Don't stand too much, you will get tired" he smiled warmly and lied beside younger

"You don't have to worry about my family, they aren't your problem. I will take care of them." He said softly and brushed his hair behind his ear

"I love you" he whispered making youngers heart flutter. He was feeling weird lately. Was he falling in love?

"I think-"

"I almost forgot to tell you, I want you you to quit your job. Since we are getting married I don't want you to work there. You don't need to...perhaps....I don't want you to work at all"

"No I-"

"It wasn't asking you, it's a demand"

Well now you will get to know taehyungs other side...

I'm so bored. My writing skills sucks

Anyway I will try to improve it but I think it's a talent which I definitely don't have


By author Helen (toptaemylifee)

By author Helen (toptaemylifee)

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Amberrrrrrr. She is stunning!!!! 🌸🌸

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