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XXVIII. In Love with You

MONACO: August 2023

Charles didn't know what to expect. He just kept his arms around her, letting her hear his heartbeat, hoping that she wouldn't run away.

"Those days we were apart, that ruined me. I couldn't sleep thinking why you could have asked me out on that dinner. And when I said yes, I never thought it would change us at all." He whispered.

Thalie took this time to look up at him, "But..."

He sighed, "But it did. It made me see you and what I mean is really see you Thalie. In ways much more greater than how I see the others I dated. It was like my eyes were opened to a whole new version of you and yet you were still the same. And that made me question myself, was I an idiot for not seeing you this way?"

She gulped, "In what way?" she asked. She had to hear it from him. Loud and clear.

"In a completely different way. In a kind of in love way." He admitted, his heart hammering in his chest. Something he knew she was able to feel and hear.

Thalie studied him, he was nervous and so was she. He had said his piece, it was her turn, and Charles knew that. He patiently stood there as she composed herself. As she composed the sentences she wanted to tell him.

It felt like centuries just standing there. But when she spoke, he was glad she did.

"I didn't know when it started, I have to admit, I have always admired you Charlie. You had big dreams and you were slowly reaching them, given not every time is a high, there were lows that you were comfortable enough to trust me with. Times when you were vulnerable made me see you more. In ways I wished you could have seen the way I look at you." She said and let out a breath. Pulling a way from him slightly so she was facing him fully.

"Every time I saw you, either smiling or frowning, I admired you. You have become such a comfort zone and yet thrilling experience for me. Every time I saw you, in your peak or in your lowest, I always wanted to be there because that's when you see me and it didn't matter how you looked or see me, as long as you were. That was enough."

Thalie slowly walked to him, intertwining their fingers, "It took a lot of courage to ask you to that dinner. Especially when I knew you were looking for something real, and I didn't know if I could give that. I just knew I can make you feel it. How much I adore you, I admire you, I love you..." she trailed staring straight into his green eyes.

His jaw dropped, not expecting for her to say it. This made her laugh bitterly, "There, I said it. Je t'aime Charles. Depuis longtemps maintenant." She said.
(Translation: "I love you Charles. For a long time now.")

He didn't say anything, this made her laugh again bitterly and pulled her hand away. "C'était sympa de te voir Charles. À un de ces quatre." She said as she moved to walk away.
(Translation: "It was nice to see you Charles. See you around.")

But Charles didn't give her a chance, grabbing her arm and turning swiftly to him. He caught her by the waist and moved his hand to her cheek before planting his lips on hers.

Frozen in time, Thalie did not expect to be kissed by her best friend on the streets of their hometown. But she started to not care, moving closer to him, she moved her hands to his arm and the other on his cheek, finally kissing him back.

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