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IX. Charlie's Reactions

CANADA: June 2023


Charles found himself sitting next to Kiara, she was showing him Thalie's new IG post

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Charles found himself sitting next to Kiara, she was showing him Thalie's new IG post. "She has a new brand." She mentioned.

The Monegasque smiled and nodded, "She does." He said proudly. Pierre and Lando who was sitting across them, they shared a look. They had planned on getting Charles to admit anything really.

They had met Inez and observes Charles at the same time. The two noticed a lot and they just want to test a theory. So, Pierre nudged Lando who decided to ask.

"How's Inez?" the Brit asked. Charles turned to him and hummed, "She's good. Sweet, talkative." He said. Lando raised an eyebrow at him, "And?" he asked further.

But Charles shrugged, "Uh... she's nice. She's passionate with work. She doesn't know that much about racing but she's willing to learn. She listens a lot, has so much questions. When I met her, I didn't expect her to put it in the time to learn but she is."

Lando hummed and nodded, placed his chin on his palm, "How about Thalie?" This made Charles furrow his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"How is she?" he asked. "Are you joking?" Charles asked looking at Pierre who shrugged and smirked at him.

"You can't answer the question?" Pierre challenged him. The Monegasque sighed but as he thought about it, her, his lips couldn't help but form into a smile.

"She's doing great. Another brand deal on her belt which is amazing. Right now, she's like bathe in sunlight. She's still energetic, enthusiastic, and alive. She's still the same and yet better. I- she's Thalie. How else do you expect me to talk about her?" he asked back.

Kiara who was sitting next to felt like she was going to melt. Just the way how Charles talked about their childhood friend, it was so different from the way he described Inez, the girl that he was supposedly dating.

Daniel who was listening whistled, "Damn." He said. The group turned to him and Charles raised an eyebrow at him. "What?" he asked.

The Australian smirked at him, "And you say you don't see Thals more than a friend?" he asked. Charles pursed his lips, "Why would you ask that?" he asked back.

The older driver let out a laugh, "If you just heard yourself Charles, you would get it."

Across the plane, Mick smiled and chuckled as the other continued to tease Charles, he pulled out his phone and sent a message to Lewis and Octavia, both were trying to get Thalie to realize how much they liked each other despite Charles' constant change of dating status.

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