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V. Usual Goodbyes

MONACO: May 2023


➥@PierreGASLY: andrea just took a water break wdym

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@PierreGASLY: andrea just took a water break wdym

     @KiaraBelle: it means Charles took his job duh

@Charles_Leclerc: who you calling leclerc?

      @nathalie: I don't see any other leclerc here

      @arthur_leclerc7: hello?

      @nathalie: you're literally in bed

      @arthur_leclerc7: how did you know????

It was already late at night, and for some reason Thalie had the inkling to go to gym. It wouldn't be unusual but Charles really didn't want her to go.

So despite Andrea already on his way to rest, Charles called him up to go with them to train. There the group was, Pierre, Kiara, Charles, Thalie, and Andrea. Up and about, training because Thalie felt like it.

Thalie laughed as Pierre who got pushed on the floor by Kiara who was getting annoyed by him. "Arrête d'être un idiot Pear." She said. The model shook her head at her friends, not realizing that Charles was behind her.
(Translation: "Stop being an idiot Pear.")

"You okay Thals?" he asked. She turned to him and nodded, "Yeah. But you didn't have to come-" "You're leaving tomorrow, I want to spend it with you."

Thalie smiled, "I'm just gonna run on the treadmill, feel free to go lift or annoy Pierre." She said. "Hey!" she heard the Frenchman say.

But before Thalie could go to the treadmills, Charles spoke again, "I'll go run with you." He said as he motioned to Andrea.

Thalie furrowed her eyebrows at him, "You hate running at night." Charles shrugged, "Oh it's fine." He said before he led her to the treadmills.

The model plugged in her earphones, stepping on it not realizing that she already touched the dial. Not realizing it, she almost falls flat on her face. Expecting her to fall on the ground, she didn't expect an arm around her.

Charles had jumped out of his, stops her treadmill and picks her up from falling. Once the dread disappeared from her, Thalie couldn't help but laugh at what happened.

"Ohmyygod." She said as she looked at Charles. He was staring at her knowingly. She furrowed her eyebrows at him, "What?" she asked.

He sighed, "That's why." He said. It only made her confused, "What?" she asked. Charles shook her head and helped her up to her feet, "That's why I wanted to run next to you, so I could catch you if you fell." He simply said.

Thalie was left in shock, "Omygod." She said and shook her head. But Charles leaned closer to her, "I will always catch you if you fall." He said seriously.

They stared at each other, lost in each other's eyes and the moment. But then Pierre spoke, "What the fuck did I see?"

They turned to him just in time to see Kiara hit his head, "Idiot. You ruined the moment. They were gonna kiss." She said. Thalie blushed and pushed Charles away, "You wanna lift Ki?" she asked.

The Frenchwoman grinned and clapped, "Okay!" the two girls walked away from the boys leaving them. Pierre smirked and punched Charles shoulder, "The boys will eat this up-"

"Shut up. Just shut up."


"This will not leave the room." Charles said sternly. Pierre scoffed, "Tell that to Andrea and his phone." The two turned to the Ferrari driver's trainer to see him filming.

Andrea realized he got caught and lowered the phone and cleared his throat, "Ne me dérange pas."
(Translation: "Don't mind me.")

The next morning, Thalie found herself being brought to the airport by Charles. It was time to part again, unfortunately for her she hated goodbyes.

She knew he would never dare say that word but she still hated it.

"You promise that you'll be safe?" she asked. Charles smiled at her, "I don't have a choice, you would kill me nonetheless if I am not."

They stared at each other not realizing the fans that had spotted them. Meaning they didn't really put any care in the world, like they usually were.

Even when their careers grew and their names blew up, they didn't put any mind of the people when they were together. What mattered most was each other.

And deep down, Charles thinks that the reason why his relationships never worked is because of what they have. Thalie will forever have a part of his heart and he promised himself and the world that no one will ever take that away.


"Yeah Charlie?"

He smiled at the nickname, she rarely used it anymore, and every time she did, it felt like his heart would jump out of excitement.

"Watch me?"

"I always am."

"And I you cherry."

They smiled at each other from ear to ear. Something they have memorized since they were little. Something they always take with them.

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