Chapter 4 - That's how a superhero learns to fly

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Charlie's P.O.V
I glanced at Olive as she looked at me as well
"Okay...are you ready to meet my father?" She asked
I took a deep breath before nodding slowly looking at them...
Just a little time context, Olive has known about me and my powers for over a week now, she told her dad about me as well, the only thing was that I was not the one ready yet to face my responsibility yet...but as time went on I had to face him...and my true destiny
"Yes....I can't run from this any longer" I said as she nodded slowly before opening the door, a young man stood in front of me...he didn't looke older then 40 years old, he looked so fit and like he had trained his whole life
"It is an honour to meet you VOLT" he said before he bowed in front of me, I glanced at Olive as she nodded
"Dad you don't have to do this" Olive said as he slowly stood up
"Forgive me but I am in the presence of a legendary superhero" she said making me sigh a bit
"Yeah about that....this legendary here has no clue about anything...." I said as he looked at me shocked
"What?" He asked
"Uhh...yeah I don't have any memory of being VOLT in a previous life...or whatever...." I said looking at him
"What do you remember then?" He asked
"Uhh....nothing really...." I said honestly as he sighed a bit
"Oi...we have a lot of work to do....fine then how about this, after school you come back here so that way I can do some tests and see what the deal is..
In the mean time try to stay out of trouble" he said making me look at him
"I will....but have you forgotten that there is a green psycho chasing me...that I now know that can steal energy....." I said
"He can't steal yours" he said
"Yeah yeah...chosen one I get it" I said sighing a bit running my hands trough my hair
"VOLT is everything okay?" He asked, I looked at him before snapping at him
"I'm Charlie name is Charlie....not VOLT" I said frustrated....maybe all of a sudden this is getting way too real for me
"Charlie....I know you are scared but..." I cut him off quickly looking at him
"But nothing! What happens if I can't defeat him? Does the world end? Does he win?" I asked looking at him
"No...he won't win...I believe in you" he said
"Maybe you shouldn't believe in me so much...maybe the universe made a mistake....I don't know what the hell am I doing....I absolutely am cluess" I said
"Being a superhero is not about if you know what you are doing...when a hero falls is the getting up part that makes him or her super, if you don't fail you won't have suffered, struggled but that's how you will learn to be a hero...that's what will make you super" he said making me look at him
"Can we talk about this when I get back from school?" I asked
"Sure" he said as I walked out of the house as Olive followed me
"You know that accepting this won't be easy....but you can't run from this is school what will your excuse be tomorrow?" She asked as I looked at her
"I won't have one....I will face reality....I just need time to process it" I said as she sighed a bit
"Mortal heros are very exhausting..." She said making me glare at her as I kept walking

"Hey where have you been?" Max asked as soon as we stopped at the gate of the school
"Sorry....we had some things to take care off..." I said looking at her
"Really? How come you didn't tell me about hease things you had to do?" She asked
"It's nothing personal....Olive just happend to show up in front of my door step this morning" I said as Max nodded slowly before gravbing my hand leading me inside the school as Olive followed us
"Did I tell you to come with us?" Max asked as she galred at Olive
"Okay....I am Charlie's friend as well" Olive said
"Okay....I will two try not to kill eachother okay?" I asked before leaving

Max's P.O.V
I looked at Charlie as soon as she left making turn around looking at Olive, the hell was with her appearance...she had light blue hair and almost gray eyes. She shot me a glare as well before she tried to walk past me. I quickly stood in front of her way not allowing her to walk, she glanced at me before stepping to the side which made me instantly follow her move...we did this little dance until she finally grew tired of it
"What is your problem?" She asked, annoyed
I glared up at her with my arms crossed, I also tried to have an intimidating expression on my face
"Listen here Olive...I was nice to you because you are new here...but let me warn you something, Charlie is my friend, am I clear? I have been friends with her since she was in diapers, I won't allow you to steal my friend away and not include me in your plans am I clear?" I said as Olive looked at me, she stayed quiet for a few seconds before she finally burst out laughing
"What the hell is so funny?" I asked
"You are threatening me! Ma that's adorable!" She said as she continued laughing, I stared at her annoyed before stepping closer to her grabbing her shirt colour pulling her into my face....for a few seconds I forgot how to breathe, how come? I stared into her pale eyes as I struggled to get my words out
"Do you have something to say? Or are you just going to stare at me?" She asked
I quickly pushed her away before taking a deep breath looking away from her fixing my hair a bit
"I said what I said...stay away from Charlie! She's my bestie!" I said before turning around, properly allowing my long wavy brown hair to hit her face

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