Chapter 3 - The New Girl

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Charlie's P.O.V
"Did you hear the new mystery super hero of our city saved Somone again...." One of the popular girls bragged as I tried my best not to pay any mind to them.
It has been two weeks since I got these powers of mine, I have been getting the hang of it...learning how to use them and all....but I still was not fully on board to be this hero that this voice in my head keeps telling me....or maybe I am just losing my mind slowly....but if that's so then all these people wouldn't be fangirling over a hero that's imaginary and the news wouldn't try to cath me
"Have you heard? Everyone is talking about this mystery hero" Max said as she stood next to my locker, we patched things up from our little misunderstanding from before
"Yeah...I don't know how people can keep up with stuff like that" I said
"You seem so unbothered by that....we have a superhero in our city" she said
"It's not the first time now is it...." I said as she sighed a bit
"You are such a wuss you know can you be so....emotionless?" She asked
How? When the hype is about you, and you are unsure what you are doing yet you are doing it....seems that being emotionless is the best thing you can do....
"I....I don't know...I'm sorry" I said
"Don't apologise it's just that I am kind of excited by this hero" she said
"What if it's a she...what then?" I asked looking at her
"Well there is no use of maybe I wouldn't mind a she for once" she said making me look at her as she said that, maybe I did have a chance after all?
"What if it was me?" I asked looking at her
She stayed quiet for a bit before she started to laugh
"Yeah talk big" she said before nudging my shoulder making me look at her, and maybe my chance just disappeared....there is no hope for me literally
"Mhh I'm hilarious...." I said before closing my locker door following her to class...

"Alright class please take your seats we are about to start" the teacher said as I took a seat next to Max, every now and then glancing at her
You might think that by now my life is a dream come true, I get to kick ass, take down criminals and people fuckong love me....or hate me....people have mixed feelings about me around town....everyone is surprised by the sudden hero that has shown up now....they are questioning their intentions, do they really want the people to be safe....what does this mistery hero want in return, some even say that this hero has it all planned do I put it? I have no idea what I am doing, to be honest if it wasn't for these powers I wouldn't even be this brave....I have been managing to control some of my be honest I sometimes use them in my everyday life as well....which is not okay I know....I don't want to rely too much on them...but when you are extremely tired from battling 50 psychos at once in a dam day, on top of that you have to juggle homework and regular life, when you forget to switch off your light when you go to bed if you had electrical powers...or voltage would use them to switch your light off as well....or maybe it's just my exhaustion taking over....on another hand I have Max....the girl I'm falling for every day more and more, also my best friend...the straight girl that I'm hopelessly crushing on....I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as the teacher called my name
"Look alive" he said as I nodded slowly trying my hardest to pay attention
"You know you could win her over with only one simple gesture...."
Oh perfect...the voice inside my head is back....I pretended that I wasn't able to hear it...because I was IN THE MIDDLE OF CLASS
"OI! Volt....I am talking to you, hello!!"
I crippled the piece of paper in my hands in a sign of annoyance....maybe it was a bit too obvious since everyone turned their gaze at me including my teacher
"Problem?" He raised his brow...I shook my head slowly before going back to taking notes
"OI...if you listen to me and RESPOND to me, she will be yours in a heartbeat!" It said again
My patience was running out slowly....
"You are not Def right? Want me to scream louder? HELLO VOLT!"
"OI ENOUGH!" I yelled
Everyone's eyes were on me again, and this time the teacher was standing in front of me with his arms crossed
"I see you can't handle my class....if that is so then let me put you out of your misery, principles office" he said
"I..." He cut me off
"NOW" he said strictly
I wasn't in the shape to argue at all so I grabbed my backpack before slowly walking out of the class room
"What a shame...."
"Shut the fuck's all your fault I got in trouble in the first place...." I said

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