Chapter 7: Different Fangs

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Sorry!" Ghira quickly apologized.

"No, no, no, no, it's fine." Blake said.

"Oh, here, take this one," Ghira said, offering his cup.

"No, really. It's no big deal," Blake said, grabbing the one close to her.

"Easy, Mr. Belladonna," Saul said, trying to diffuse the situation with a smile. "We don't want any spilled tea now, do we?"

"Sorry, old habits, I suppose," Ghira said with a chuckle.

Blake then took a sip of her tea and winced from the heat, making Saul laugh. "Careful! It's hot!" Saul chuckled, watching Blake's reaction.

Blake then placed her cup on the table.

"So... is it... warm... in Vale?" Ghira asked.

Blake got confused by the question.

"It just... seems like your outfit doesn't cover very much," Ghira said, which Saul facepalmed at Ghira's comment.

"It covers plenty," Blake said, crossing her arms.

Saul sighed at Ghira's lack of tact. "Blake, what your father is trying to say is that he's concerned about your safety. He was worried when you were with the white fang. He's not questioning your choices, just expressing his concern."

Blake's expression saddens, and she looks away, bowing her head.

"Why?" she said.

Both Ghira and Saul exchanged a concerned glance, confused by Blake's sudden question.

"Why what, Blake?" Saul asked gently.

"Why would you say that?" Blake responded.

Soon both Saul and Ghira moved to be beside her, where Ghira got down to one knee and put a hand on her back.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong? What did I say?" he asked.

"How can you still love me after what I did?" Blake responded.

"It's okay, Blake," Saul said softly. "As a leader of a group of nomads who have faced their fair share of challenges, we understand that everyone makes mistakes."

"He's right," Ghira said softly as he then sat next to her. "We believe in forgiveness and growth," Ghira continued. "Your mother and I will always love you."

"You were right. I shouted at you and yelled at you," Blake said in sadness.

"It's okay," Ghira said.

I should have left the white fang with you and Mom. I should've listened to you, and I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," Blake said in sorrow.

"Blake, it's fine. We never held anything against you, and I never feared you would fail. The only thing I ever feared was that you would fall down the wrong path, and I am so proud to see you haven't." Ghira said.

"But I did! I was--" Blake sniffled.

Saul interrupted her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You made mistakes, Blake, but that doesn't define who you are; that path you're on is still leading you towards growth and redemption."

"Yes, there aren't many who possess that kind of strength, and even fewer who have the courage to face their demons again. Vale, Mountain Glenn, Beacon-you confronted the White Fang time after time," Ghira added.

"I didn't do it alone," Blake said.

"No, you didn't. Which is why I wanted to ask you... Why did you leave Vale? Why did you leave your friends behind?" Ghira said.

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