' ' So i'm guessing the other two that was with him are also "Vees?" ' ' Which got him a nod. 

' ' Huh. ' ' 

The two males stood in quiet type of vibe, couldn't make out if it was awkward or comfortable to be honest. 

Once Lucifer was done with his food he made his way to the kitchen to clean up his plate. 

Soon after Alastor came also putting his plate in the sink for Lucifer to clean. 

' ' You can clean this for me right, darling ' ' 

This made Lucifer have a slight blush as his ears twitched little. 

' ' And why can't you just clean it up yourself? ' ' The shorter deer asked while still having his eyes on cleaning HIS plate that HE ate off from. 

Alastor lowered his head onto the man's neck, ' ' Well why not, think of it like.. being my wife! ' ' This caused a reaction he wanted, because once the word "Wife" came about, he was pushed back almost immediately.

' ' And why am I the wife?! ' ' Lucifer yelled, his tail lashing little while his ears were pointed up high. 

' ' Because dear... ' ' Alastor took a step closer. 

' ' You are short. ' ' another step. 

' ' Very submissive. ' ' last step that made him pretty close to the king. 

' ' And you look quite dashing in white! ' ' Alastor chuckled watching the shorter deer flustered face.

' ' I am not submissive!!  ' ' Lucifer yelled, but was quickly cut off with a yelp by a sudden hold on his waist that pinned him to the counter, Alastor used his left hand and grab a hand full of Lucifer blonde hair, pushing it to the side to give him a open spot to lay his fangs on the shorter deers neck. 

' ' You sure about that... ' ' Alastor said that came as a whisper.

Making Lucifer body shiver, not doing anything to stop the demon, knowing damn well he could... but something wa- no not something.. 


didn't want it to stop and 


enjoyed being under someone's wing. 

' ' See.. you could had killed me right before I could do this to you.. ' ' Alastor said while nibbling on the Lucifer neck, making him whine little with his ears twitching with every nibble he got from the taller male. 

' ' You enjoy this as much as I do. ' ' Alastor said with a huge creepy grin on his face. 

Alastor pushed his fangs into the male white pale neck, tasting the golden pure blood come within. 

Oh and god was Lucifer a hot mess, not sure if he was turned on or disgusted by such a Display. 

' ' Getting bitten by a present, how... upsetting Dear. ' ' This made Lucifer ears pin down so intrigued but also embarrassed to say the less. 

Alastor was sure pushing his luck, he can tell the king was not going to do anything.

' ' A-Alas- ' ' The king was cut off by a loud ring like sound.. it's coming from Lucifer phone. 

Both of the males ears twitch by the loud noises as Alastor was Quick to move away from the smaller deer, which kinda made Lucifer sad with the lost of warm and comfort the taller deer have. 

Lucifer took the phone out of his pocket seeing that it was his daughter calling him.

Lucifer had looked up at Alastor before picking up the phone and placing it in his ear. 

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