Overflow Incorrect Quotes

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Cole: You call yourself my soulmate, but where were you when my meme only had four likes?
Dani: Making four accounts.
Cole, tearing up: Really...?

GARAM: So, what are we doing?
682: Wasting our lives.
GARAM: I meant for lunch...

Peanut: I love them both, but how do I propose to two people?
GARAM: Two different restaurants, one person at each restaurant. Twice the dessert, twice the applause.
Peanut: Won't people think it's weird if there is a third person just sitting there, though?
GARAM: I saw someone feed their pet peacock crème brûlée from their mouth at the French place on the corner last week: I think faux third-wheeling at an engagement is the least of your worries.

Leland: So I got this amazing plan!
Peanut: We fail almost every time you say that.
Leland: Well this is the same! But with a hamster involved.

Incorrect QuotesWhere stories live. Discover now