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"What's a Gathering?" I asked Newt. Together we strode through the tall grass of the Glade. I had been there for nearly a week and had been told that I was to join the ominous "Gathering". Newt walked ahead of me as I struggled to keep up.

"The Gathering is something that the Keepers have, today we'll be deciding where you go. What job you'll end up doing."

"Oh, what's the turnover like?" I asked, nearly jogging to keep up with his ridiculous pace.

"What?" he asked, not turning around.

"So I'll work somewhere for a while, but when do I switch. Do we get reevaluated?" I didn't have the wherewithal to stay in one place for too long. As I had been training, I had been fairly good at everything, which would be narcissistic if it also weren't true.

Newt raised his eyebrow, "You don't switch."

I stopped walking.

Newt kept walking until he realized I wasn't with him. His comparatively longer legs propelling him forward with the ease of someone used to running. After he realized I was no longer by his side, he slowed down and turned to face me.

"Something wrong?" he asked, strolling back to me, concern written over his face.

"I'm just supposed to do one thing from now until... who knows when?" I asked with a groan.

He seemed to ponder my question.

"Huh, never actually given it a whole lot of thought. I suppose."

The prospect of doing one thing, from now until forever really dulled my prospects of the future. There was no way I wouldn't get bored. I would become apathetic and lazy if I were stuck doing only one thing for the rest of my life. I may not have remembered my past, but I knew I had too much energy for that.

"What if someone wants a day off?" I asked in shock.

"I dunno if you noticed, but no one really gets days off around here."

"So, Runners never get tired of running? Frypan never gets tired of cooking- actually, that's probably a bad example. What about the Sloppers, surely they'd want a break. Wouldn't you want a day off if it was offered to you?"

Newt shrugged noncommittally.

"Have you ever asked them? Any of them? Because if it were me, I'd work harder if I knew there was a day that I was gonna get to sit around on my ass."

"No, I have not asked anyone, we all take it as a given that we will have to work. But do you really want to be a Slopper?"

"What if someone gets hurt? Everyone else just has to work twice as hard? You're more likely to hurt yourself if you have to put more work in. That's probably science."

"'Probably science,'" he said, running his hand through his hair in aggravation. "Marie, I'm not really sure what you want me to say. I've been here for a good long while now and the thought has never crossed my mind. Now, can we please get going? We're gonna be late."

I huffed and followed him.

I sat in a chair in the little hut. The Keepers watched me closely as they deliberated. The Gathering had already gone on for far longer than I had thought it would, their version of democracy seemed to be a pretty broke system. I had to nearly slap myself to stay awake, the hut was too hot and filled with a bunch of guys who smelled terrible.

"She's alright at building but, right now I think we're good on people," Gally said.

I rolled my eyes, I figured he would want me around anyway. It wasn't that I disliked Gally, he was fine, he didn't like me though. Granted, I still had yet to apologize to him. I would if he weren't constantly such a prick, if he mellowed out, I probably would. And while miracles do happen, I wasn't counting on him magically no longer being an asshole any time soon.

"I wouldn't mind working with her," Frypan said, which I was very glad of, out of all the jobs, I would mind working with Frypan the least full time. He was quiet, but also really a kind, funny person.

Despite all the chatter around them, Alby and Newt were deep in conversation, seeming completely unbothered by the people around them.

"We should evaluate her for Runner at some point," Minho put in, glancing me over, but for the most part, seemed disinterested with the whole affair. It seemed like no one wanted to be a Runner, but then again, I still had very little clue where they were running to.

The talking eventually faded and all eyes landed on Alby.

He looked up from his conversation with Newt.

"What do you want to do, Marie?" he asked, meeting my eyes. When Alby talked, the entire room fell completely silent. It always seemed like everyone was intimidated by his authority, but deep down I knew he was just like everyone else.

I gulped, the full force of everyone's gaze on me.

"I'm fine with whatever, I guess," I said.

Alby leaned back in his seat; he looked around at the Keepers around him.

"Any takers?" he asked the group around him.

All hands, save for Gally's, shot up. While I had been good at most things, I assumed that usually, most Greenies did not get the same enthusiasm that I was being shown.

"Alright, just this once, I think we're gonna let Marie rotate jobs on a daily basis. That way, every once in a while, everyone gets a refresher day and if needed, she'll fill in when time and place fit. Does anyone oppose?"

Gally's hand shot in the air, as Alby apparently expected.

"What, Gally?" he said without looking at him.

"No one has been given this option before, is it really-"

Newt interrupted, "Do you want a day off or not, Gally? Because it can probably be arranged."

Gally crossed his arms but didn't protest.

"Good that, I guess we should come up with a schedule for you," Alby said. "Everything except Runner, she'll only do that if she wants to, understood?"

The group nodded.

"Alright, you'll officially start tomorrow, I'm thinking with Slicers."

I looked up and smiled, "That'd be great."

"Meeting adjourned, get back to work people," Alby pronounced with a tone of finality. As soon as the words were spoken, everyone dispersed, returning to their usual jobs.

I hung back as all the Keepers left, save for the one I wanted to talk to.

"That alright?" Newt asked after everyone had left. "I mean, I figured you'd be happier this way. Still can't believe you'd voluntarily be a Slopper, though."

I smiled up at him, "Thank you."

"'Course Greenie."

First Light- Maze Runner (OC/Newt)Where stories live. Discover now