I felt as if it was some sort of melody entering through my ears. His magical voice gets hold over me in such a way that my brain forgets to process anything he says, as if it gets lost somewhere.

This person's voice was amusing, all alone it manages to get hold, a strong hold and control over my mind.

I stood there as if I were a statue and didn't spoke anything. After coming back to my senses, I realized how dumb I would've looked. 

He asked me about his pendant. How would I know about any of his belongings? Is he mad or what?

"How would I know anything about your belongings?"

"I asked a question, I demand for an answer in return." 

He replied with a straight face. Okay I get it, This man really is worried. 


I replied. 

"Didn't you take it off while treating my wound?"

He asked, giving me looks of suspicion. 

"Why would I take off any of your belongings, Prince." 

I replied. This man was considering me as a thief, How could he? How dare he? I started to get angry a bit. 

"I don't know" 

He replied with no emotion in his voice.

"Are you thinking of me as a thief?"

I asked, with a mixture of anger and surprise being mixed in the tone  of my voice. 

"Do you consider yourself as one...Prince Avyukt?" 

He replied with a question. This man leaves me speechless. His presence of mind was amazing.


I managed to reply, while taking my eyes off of him. 

He Sighed, and then he asked...

"Any Idea about where it might be?" 

"None" I replied.  This man has a type of impact over me that I forget all the words from my dictionary. 

"Help me find it" 

He said, Like ordering me.  

"And why should I, exactly?" 

I asked. 

"From now on, You will be my friend for 20 days until you return back to your kingdom. And isn't it a friend's work to help the other one?"

He replied, while keeping a small smirk on his face. 

This man just keeps making my plan easier and easier to accomplish.

Just today I was thinking to make him my friend in order to accomplish, and just now he is asking me to be his friend. More like ordering than asking. 

I wanted to say yes but didn't want to portray myself as desperate.
So, to reply, I just nodded. 

I finally decided to help him find the pendant...We searched for it everywhere, but couldn't get it. 

Out of curiosity, I asked that why the pendant meant so much to him. 

He remained silent, making me lose all my hopes of getting an answer in return from him. 

Suddenly, he started to speak...

"My mother gave it to me when her soul was about to leave her body."

He replied. I sensed the softness his voice had. He was sad. Looking at his facial expressions I could  clearly say that he loved his mother, more than anyone or anything. 


I wasn't able to say anything more than 'oh'. 

"You don't seem like a person who will steal anything, afterall you're a prince. Well, Leaving that aside, Let's head towards my kingdom. The people and the King must be worried" 

He said, changing the topic. 

'the king' this word left me thinking...Why would he call his father 'The king', like wasn't the king his father? He could've just mentioned him as 'Pita Shree'  (Father). Well nevermind, none of my business. 

"Yeah sure." 

I replied. We started to walk towards his kingdom. It wasn't too far from the lake and as he came without informing anyone, he didn't bring his horse. 

We headed towards the fort of his Kingdom and soon, The big, beautifully carved boundaries of the fort started being visible to me. It was so beautifully carved that it could  not be depicted in words. 

As we moved further, The big and beautiful gate was in front of me. Statues of  Roaring Lions were carved near the edges.

It was a big fort, 5x bigger than ours. It had a fountain at the center of the entrance which was clearly visible from outside. 

The guards guarding the fort's main entrance bowed to us...We just nodded and went ahead. 

Rudraksh had a powerful and strong aura. He had all the qualities of a ruler. He was keeping a keen eye on everything we passed by. 

After walking for about 20 minutes straight, we finally reached another entrance. The entrance to the different chambers of the Fort. It had the same statue of the roaring lions carved on its edges. 

For the second time guards bowed to us. We just nodded in return.

And then, I entered...

I entered to take my revenge back. I had completed the third step of my plan. The pictures of my father's dead corpse were being imagined in my mind...Everything which happened in the past one month appeared like a flashback in my mind. Everything that I recalled, was boiling my blood. Anger was rushing to my face....

I understand it now, I didn't become emotionless, But a beast with uncontrollable temper and unethical ways in my mind to get revenge. 

And from here, The fire which was slowly beginning to extinguish, took a spark. And I didn't know when its flame became higher and higher within me, making me burn from inside.

Earlier, I had thought about intruding, But he himself was making my way easier. 

You cannot call this thing intruding...I was here with his permission and allowance with some not so good intentions...

But you can call this act 'Intruding Legally'. 

Hahahahahahahahahha! I want to laugh like a maniac, But I guess I have to settle with a smirk for now. 

To Be Continued...

Heyaaa!! This episode was a bit small but I couldn't just tell everything in just one episode, Hehe! 

Bye for today! 

~My Intruder - Dil ki ghuspaith || Intruding into his heart~ ||Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя