Chapter 12

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TW: child abuse, blood and death

After the visit to the hospital, they decided to have a picnic in Hyde Park.

Harry beamed at the food, especially since Diana had decided to get lots of snacks, such as crips and even cookies, such as Oreos.

Charles had made sandwiches that morning and had made everyone's favorite sandwich. Harry had a classic Peanut butter and jelly, William had a grilled cheese sandwich , Charles made himself a Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich and Diana had a deli sandwich.

The gentle and warm May breeze ruffles their hair. Diana looked happier than she had been in a while. She was with the people she loved the most, her husband and her sons.

"Mummy, I want an Oreo now!" William said, still eating his sandwich.

"Now darling, now cookies until you finish your sandwich. But you can have some cheese puffs!"

William smiled at his mother.

"Okie mummy!"

After the boys ate, they insisted on their parents playing tag and hide-and-seek with them. They played for about 30 minutes before sitting back down and finishing the picnic. Diana rested her head on Charles's shoulder.

"This is perfect"

The family returned to the palace at 5:00 P.M. To neither his or Diana's surprise, Queen Elizabeth was fuming.

"Mummy? Daddy? Did gwanny poo her diapers?" Harry, who was four years old asked innocently.

Diana and Charles looked at each other and had to hold back the laughter. Queen Elizabeth however looked furious.

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