Chapter 17

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Charles ran out after his wife, who had already packed her luggage and was leaving the palace. She was running down the streets of London, tears streaming down her face, as well as the rain that was starting to fall from the sky.

"Diana! Please wait!"

Diana paused, turning around to face him, tears still in her eyes.

"So?" she said. "We all know nobody really wants me here. I'm just a waste of space, aren't I? I'm better off dead..." she said, looking down at the ground.

Charles felt his heart shatter. How could someone as amazing as her think she was a waste of space?

"Diana... no... none of that is true..." he told her, before continuing.

"And you're not better off dead. Please never say that again... please don't tell me you want to... do that to yourself..."

Diana nodded reluctantly before pulling up her sleeves, revealing dozens of small cuts.

Why hadn't he noticed? Why didn't he realize her wearing a sweater in June as a warning sign, not a coping mechanism? Had he failed her?

Charles grabbed her hands gently, pulling her to him.

"Diana, sweetheart, why are you doing this? When did this start?"

Diana let out a long, sad sigh.

"Because I deserve it... ever since the doctor's appointment.

Charles felt tears swelling up in his eyes. How could this be happening to Diana of all people? Why did she have to get kidnapped, she couldn't defend herself, the king of spain let this happen, even though he was perfectly capable.

And then Juan Carlos had the audacity to blame Diana, calling her a weak worm.

He'd have to make him pay too.


what do you think of the Spanish King?

Road to RecoveryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora