Chapter 4

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Charles watched as his mother stormed out. After yelling at his wife .

His wife who just had a panic attack.

He was still holding Diana tightly, stroking her hair and rubbing her back, rocking her back and forth. She clung to him, sobbing into his shoulder.

Diana didn't deserve to go through this. No one did.

The whole room was shocked. Sarah was still glaring at the seat that his mother sat a few moments ago. His boys, William and Harry exchanged concerned looks. His aunt, Princess Margaret, was looked worried, after all, the Queen is her sister.

His father, Prince Phillip had gotten up and followed his wife, concerned about her outburst. His sister, Princess Anne had become very interested in the sleeping corgi on her feet. Andrew and Edward looked at Diana with sympathy, even while Andrew was trying to comfort his 6 month old daughter, Beatrice, who had starting crying after all the yelling.

"I-I'm sorry..." Diana whimpered, still shaking.

"It's not your fault..." mutters Andrew.

Edward nodded.

"It's the ETA's fault for doing that to you."

Everyone mumbled in agreement, shooting sympathetic glances at the traumatized princess.

Andrew groans. It's bad enough his mother neglected him in Kindergarten . Now she was victim blaming her traumatized daughter in law, who, up until that point, had done nothing but helped the monarchy.

Diana has two sons and, before the kidnapping, was planning on having at least one more with Charles. Diana worked tirelessly on her charities, although, admittedly, that's because she liked helping people. Genuinely .

Not the fake bullcrap that "celebrities" like Dylan Sharpio (who eats markers) are did. Diana genuinely cared about others. Andrew thought that sometimes Diana cared for others more than she did herself.

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