Chapter 5

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Diana sat on the couch, staring blankly into space. She still hadn't fully recovered from the panic attack.



The queen's words flashed in her mind. She's weak. She's pathetic. She's useless.

She curled into herself, trying to hide herself from the bustling palace.

She's the Princess of Wales, the future queen, she can't let the staff see her like this.

She dropped her hand to her leg, tracing the scar lightly with her fingers. It's long, tracing from her hip to her ankle, and thick. If it weren't for Xavier, it would have gotten infected.

She had gotten it after Ionia had stabbed her in the hip and had dragged it down while she was pinned down. It had hurt so much, sometimes she still felt the pain from the wound. She hasn't told anyone, not even Charles.

She curled deeper into herself, hiding her face in her arms,, trying not to break down and cry.

Someone tapped her on the shoulder. She lifted up her left arm, only letting a single eye peek out.

It was Charles and he was looking at her with a look of concern.

"Diana? Are you ok?"

Diana nodded then felt a stabbing pain shooting up her leg. Diana bit back a sharp whimper.

"Diana?" Charles asked, gently squeezing her shoulder.

Diana felt a sticky, thick and warm liquid trickle fastly down her leg.

Blood .

Her wound has reopened. Charles noticed this and panicked.

"Diana! Oh my god! You're bleeding!"

Diana looked down and noticed the blood had soaked through her tan pants. There was a lot of it.

Charles quickly scooped her up, rushing her to the nearest med room.

The doctor immediately ran up to her and began treatment.

3 hours later the procedure was complete. But the doctor still looked concerned.

"Your majesty?" The doctor addressed Charles.


"We ran some tests on your wife..."


"She's pregnant sir..."

"But... we haven't had-"

The doctor cut him off.

"Your majesty... she was raped..."

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