Chapter 12

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PJ, Chris and I continue to hang around PJ's room for the next couple hours. 

They're by far two of the most interesting people I've ever met. From Chris's 'i-don't-care' attitude to PJ's vivid imagination they balance each other out with the perfect mix of outrageous ideas and sarcastic comebacks.

The conversation has died down for now. I'm sleepy and opted to lean on the headboard. Chris and I helped pull PJ on the bed so he's leaning on my shoulder to keep upright. Chris is cross-legged across from us droning on about school and what we've signed up for as extracurriculars.

"What are you doing Dan?" He turns to me and I snap from my haze.

"For what?" I watch Chris's face fall before I click the previous conversations together. "Oh, I went for theater and green club."

Chris burst into laughter and after a second PJ joins in.

"Green club? Like the actual green club?" Chris chokes out between giggles.

"Yeah. Why is that something bad?" I look cautiously at each of them. What's so wrong with plants?

"It's not the club per say, it's the kids in green club. they aren't exactly. The brightest." PJ answers with short breaths. He shuffles up so he sits straighter and leans his shoulder against mine.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Oh for god's sakes Dan. It means they're pot heads. Some of the worst ones, I haven't seen half of them sober since primary school."

"Oh." I stare at my hands. They can't all smoke pot, there has to be at least one unsuspecting person like myself that only joined because they like pretty flowers.

"Well he'll at least have Bryony." PJ shrugs and drifts into his own thoughts once again.

"C'mon he's already knee deep in hell. Bad side of the Harrie's twins and Lester? Nobody with a brain is going to befriend him."

"Lester isn't that bad." I mutter to myself, I've fought this argument with them a thousand times and I know I won't win anytime soon.

"He's bad too, you ass. Maybe he's nice too you because he wants to get in your pants." Chris answers and I roll my eyes.


Chris smiles and leans back in his chair. "I'm just saying. Don't shoot me down here."

"Why do you always do this." PJ butts in and Chris glares at him.

"It's fun to make people as uncomfortable as you are." 

"Oh my god, why exactly are we friends?" PJ teases.

"One day I drove home with you in hopes of taking your handicap parking pass and the rest is history." Chris admits and I burst into laughter.

"You should've, it's not like I ever use that thing."

"You used it to hit on people like last year! You can't fool me!"

"That was one girl! You act like you wouldn't do the same for Rebecca Jasle!"

A blush spreads over Chris's face and he groans."Fuck you PJ. Everyone wants Rebecca." He says before mouthing the word 'boobs' to me and making two humongous hills over his chest.

"Man, this has really turned into a really girly sleepover." I laugh and everyone smiles.

"Those are the best type of sleepovers. Don't let the media fool you." PJ answers.

"Yeah, soon we'll be dressing up in lingerie and having a pillow fight." Chris jokes and I laugh until my stomach burns.

"PJ do you have any lingerie we could borrow?" I ask and PJ rolls his eyes while his lips turn up in a smile.

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