MePhone's Wonderful Life

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Oodle: Phew. That took a while but we finally did it.

Gold Ingot: Yeah. Now let's go and get breakfast already!

4: Hey MePhone. Can I trade my parfait for your pancakes?......... MePhone?

*Then they realized he wasn't there.*

4: Hey. Where did MePhone go?

*MePhone actually went to the cabin to lay down on his bed. Still upset about what happened. Everyone came inside to check up on him.*

Computer: There you are!

Gamey: Come on MePhone, we're gonna get breakfast now!

MePhone4;...... I'm not hungry.

Paint Palette: Well that doesn't sound like you.

Burger King: Look if this is about what that bitch Wand said, don't worry about it!

Controlly: Yeah man! He's only trying to mess with you!

MePhone4: But what he said was true. I mean I caused some of you guys to get hurt on multiple occasions. Both physically and emotionally! I almost kept you guys from going home when we were stuck in the woods! And I put you guys into danger this last time you guys were in my fear simulator!

Airy: Some of it wasn't your fault though!

Chocolate Bar: And you learned from those mistakes after you knew what you did wasn't right!

MePhone4: Let's just face the facts. You guys would be better off if I was out of the picture! I'm just a burden and I never should've come here in the first place!

Everyone: (GASP)

Crayon Box: MePhone Don't Say That!

4: You're Not A Burden!! We Care That You're Here With Us!!

Computer: Yeah!! And We Love You!..... I Love You!!

MePhone4:..... I need some time alone. Go get breakfast without me.

*Everyone stayed quiet after what MePhone said. They were all upset and worried for him. But they left alone as he said out of respect. And they left the cabin.*

MePhone4: (sigh) Maybe this would be a good time to leave.

*He grabs his bag and starts grabbing a couple of things to store in the bag.*

MePhone4: What else should I take?

Candle: Take what?

MePhone4: Who was that- (turns around and sees Candle) AAAAA! What The!! Candle!! How Did You Get In Here!!?

Candle: You don't need to know that. Now what's this you are packing up for? I don't recall you having a field trip.

MePhone4: (Sigh) I messed up big time today. And now I'm really thinking of my choices coming here in the first place! I feel like things would be better off if I didn't come here at all!

Candle: I don't know. Everyone here seems to enjoy you here. You do bring them joy with your presence.

MePhone4: Yeah. And I'm sure they would be more happy if I wasn't here!

Candle: You may say that now, but you don't know what would happen if you didn't come to camp at all.

MePhone4: What are you talking about?

Candle: Well do you have a slight idea of what would happen if you didn't come at all?

MePhone4: Well just that none of the kids I helped won't see each other anymore and Lightbulb would never remember them at all. What does this have to do with my friends?

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