Shreyas clapped him on the back, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Well, well, married life suits you, Shubman," he teased, earning a chuckle from the others.

Shubman laughed along with them, grateful for the lighthearted banter that helped ease his nerves. Despite the significance of the day, he knew that he could always count on his friends to lift his spirits and keep him grounded.

KL Rahul joined in on the teasing, nudging Shubman playfully. "I have to say, Shubman, you're more dedicated to cricket than I thought," he teased, earning a round of laughter from the group.

Shubman rolled his eyes good-naturedly, though a part of him couldn't help but feel touched by his friends' camaraderie. "You know me, always committed to the game," he replied, a hint of pride in his voice.

Hardik chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips. "Well, if you're half as committed to your marriage as you are to cricket, Reethu's a lucky woman," he remarked, earning a chorus of laughter from the group.

Shubman's cheeks flushed with embarrassment at Hardik's comment, though he couldn't deny the truth in his words. "I'll make sure to remind her of that," he replied with a chuckle, his heart swelling with love for his wife.

The teasing continued as they warmed up, with Shubman's friends not letting up on the opportunity to rib him about his recent nuptials.

"Hey Shubman, you sure you're not too tired from all that dancing last night to run a few laps?" Rohit joked, a grin spreading across his face as he glanced at Shubman.

Shubman chuckled, shaking his head. "I may be a married man now, but I can still keep up with you guys," he retorted, a competitive glint in his eye.

Virat, always one to join in on the fun, couldn't resist adding his own quip. "Just wait till you're a few years into married life, Shubman. You'll be begging for a day off from practice," he teased, earning a round of laughter from the group.

Shubman shot Virat a playful glare, though he couldn't help but laugh along with the others. "I'll make sure to remember that," he replied, his tone tinged with amusement.

As they transitioned into their practice drills, Shubman's friends continued to find playful ways to tease him about his newfound status as a married man.

Ishan, with a mischievous glint in his eye, couldn't resist making a sly remark. "Hey Shubman, now that you're hitched, does that mean you'll be too distracted thinking about your wife to focus on your batting?" he jested, a smirk playing on his lips.

Shubman chuckled, shaking his head at Ishan's antics. "I'll have you know, marriage has only made me more determined to excel on the field," he replied, a hint of determination in his voice.

Hardik, always quick with a witty comeback, couldn't resist adding to the banter. "Just don't forget to give your wife a shoutout during your next post-match interview, Shubman. You know, thank her for all the support and whatnot," he teased, earning a round of laughter from the group.

Shubman laughed along with them, though a part of him couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the thought of acknowledging Reethu's role in his life, both on and off the field.
As practice continued, Shubman's friends found even more creative ways to tease him, each remark adding to the light-hearted atmosphere on the field.

Kl Rahul, with a playful smirk, decided to add his own twist to the banter. "So, Shubman, any chance we'll be seeing Reethu cheering you on from the stands at the next match?" he asked, winking at his friend.

Shubman grinned in response, his eyes lighting up at the thought of having Reethu's support in the crowd. "You never know, KL. She might just surprise us all," he replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

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